- Green algae is common in freshwater lakes of limestone districts. 通常在淡水湖中有石灰石的地区生长的绿藻。
- "The local dragon, a marine iguana, grazes on green algae. 这是当地的龙,一只海生鬣蜥,它正在吃绿藻。
- Haplontic life cycles are typical of the filamentous green algae. 丝状绿藻具有典型的单倍性生物的生活史。
- An autotrophic, unicellular, green alga presents the minimum of specialization. 一个自养的单细胞绿藻表现最小程度的特化。
- Type genus of the family Euglenaceae: green algae with a single flagellum. 眼虫藻科的模式属;绿色海藻带有单个的鞭状匍匐枝。
- Unicellular green alga chlorella is kind of important eukaryotic microalga. 摘要单细胞真核藻类-小球藻是一种重要的微藻资源。
- In 2003, green algae sat at the primary position, and diatoms were the second. 2003年绿藻的种类数跃居首位,硅藻次之,其它藻类亦有不同程度的变化。
- Any of several dried, edible seaweeds of the genera Porphyra(the red algae) and Ulva(the green algae). 紫菜任一种紫菜属(红藻)和石藻属(绿藻)的晒干的、可食用海草
- Charophyceae A class of the Chlorophyta (green algae) that includes the stoneworts, formerly placed in a separate phylum Charophyta. 轮藻纲:绿藻门中的一纲,以前列为独立的轮藻门。
- Desmids A group of green algae of the phylum GAMOPHYTA that are basically single-celled but in some species form filamentous or irregular colonies. 鼓藻:绿藻门鼓藻科的一类植物。藻体为单细胞或群体,群体呈球状或丝状。
- Other examples include aseptate fungal hyphae and certain green algae, such as Acetabularia. 其他的例子还包括不具隔膜的真菌的菌丝以及一些绿藻,例如伞藻。
- Any of various freshwater green algae of the genus Volvox that form hollow, spherical multicellular colonies. 团藻一种团藻属淡水绿藻,形成空的、球状的多细胞群落
- To others, it's the world they live in: a boundary zone flooded with light, which is why they are countless green algae floating around here. 而对于生活在这里的生物,这是一个充满了阳光的分界地带,无数的藻类生活在此。
- Any of various unicellular green algae of the genus Chlorella, easily cultured and often used in studies of photosynthesis and other experiments. 小球藻小球藻属任何一种单细胞绿藻,易于培养且常被用于光合作用研究及其它实验中
- It's green algae that covers a third of the sea off the city of Qingdao where Olympic teams are training. 它是一种绿色的海藻,铺满了青岛市外海面的三分之一,奥林匹克运动队正在青岛训练。
- Green algae are the only known eukaryotes with both photosynthesis and hydrogen metabolism. 绿藻因能利用光能分解水产氢,被称为最有应用前景的方法之一。
- Gamophyta A phylum of green algae in which sexual reproduction is by conjugation, e.g. Gamophyta(接合藻纲):是通过接合作用进行有性繁殖的绿藻门植物,例如水绵和鼓藻。
- In the case of Botanical Garden it was meso-trophic lake, dominated in green algae. 结果表明:3水体的营养状况植物园是中营养型,绿藻占优势;
- The sampling station were almost entirely consisting of blue green algae especially microaystis ,it had higher fre... 与过去同期太湖浮游植物的调查资料对比表明人为富营养化进程有所减缓。
- Red globose alga is actually a kind of green alga, which can be used as feedstuff. 红球藻实际上是一种绿藻, 它可以用来做饲料。