- Rater, she was made into a plain and rough feed box for animals. 木匠仓促之中把这棵树作成了一个普通简陋的食槽,用来喂养牲畜。
- The steep mountain path is rugged and rough. 陡峭的山路崎岖不平。
- He seemed as awkward and rough as ever. 他跟从前一样拙笨和粗鲁。
- The hall looked splendid in green and gold. 大厅里金碧辉煌。
- His hands were soiled and rough. 他的双手污秽不堪又非常粗糙。
- The water of the lake is green and clear. 湖水碧绿澄清。
- He has a new row to hoe,a long and rough one. 他有个新任务要完成,一个既费时间又花气力的任务。
- The skin on her hands was hard and rough. 她手上的皮肤粗糙而没有弹性。
- It is possible to buy both green and white onions. 同时买到青葱和白葱是可能的。
- I'd like to see the world and rough it. 我很想看看世界,而且磨炼一下。
- Variegated dark green and white. Standard. 深绿色和白色组合的斑叶。标准型。
- The ways of truth are hard and rough to walk on. 真理之路多坎坷,行走起来甚艰辛。
- Variegated green and white, plain, ovate. Standard. 绿色和白色组合的斑叶,叶面平坦。标准型。
- And rough places will be made plain. 崎崎岖岖的必成为平原。
- Variegated medium green and creamy white. Standard. 中绿色和奶油白组合的斑叶。标准型。
- He has a new row to hoe, a long and rough one. 他有个新任务要完成,一个既费时间又花气力的任务。
- Green and luxuriant are the pines and cypresses. 苍松翠柏郁郁葱葱。
- The road was bumpy and rough the whole way. 一路上坑坑洼洼的。
- The water of the lade is green and slear. 湖水碧绿澄清。
- Unpleasantly coarse and rough to the touch. 粗糙的摸上去令人不愉快的粗糙和表面不平的