- greater tolerance to rust 对锈病具有更大耐性
- Still, it may take time for the message of greater tolerance to penetrate fully. 然而,要让这更宽容的政策消息渗透到社会各个角落还需时日。
- It is more and more concerned by world wild breeders to breed new varieties of wheat with greater tolerance to Fusarium graminearum. 抗赤霉无毒素育种已成为当今世界各国育种家关注的重要课题,被认为是控制赤霉病为害,保证小麦高产、稳产最经济有效和安全的办法。
- In addition, the host will show great tolerance to your unconcious offence, because they are surely aware of the fact that you come from a country and culture different form his or hers. 除此之外,因为你来自和主人不同的国家和文化,他或她或他们当然会明白这点,所以假使你无意间做了或说了某些冒犯他们的事时,他们会非常宽宏大量的。
- He allowed his talent to rust over the years. 他让自己的才能经年不用而荒废。
- It is better to wear out than to rust out . 用坏总比不用而放着生锈好。
- It's better to wear out than to rust out. 用坏总比不用而放着生锈好。
- Better to wear out than to rust out. 与其锈掉;不如用坏
- Smokers develop a great tolerance for nicotine. 吸烟者对尼古丁产生了极大的忍受力。
- Idles about can cause the human mental to rust. 游手好闲会使人心智生锈。
- Tolerance to alcohol decreases with age. 酒量随年龄的增大而减少。
- God is more tolerance to man than we are. 神常常比我们更宽容人。
- The body builds up a tolerance to these chemicals. 身体形成对这些化学药品的依赖。
- You can have a greater tolerance, will have more love. 你拥有更大的容忍,将会拥有更多的爱。
- The pipes were beginning to rust, discolouring the water. 管子开始生锈,水都变颜色了。
- Armiger found differential tolerance to Al among soybean varieties. 阿尔米格尔发现大豆各品种对铝有不同的耐性。
- Physiological tolerance to a drug resulting from repeated use. 适应性由于长期使用某种药物而产生的对该药的生理上的耐药性
- The seating is machined to a G7 tolerance to provide a loose fit. 底座加工到符合G7公差,以提供松配合。
- From tolerance to revolt,Beatrice realizes her self-salvation. 她对于父亲的暴行从隐忍到反抗的过程,也是其实现自我救赎的过程。
- A sword, a spade, and a thought should never be allowed to rust. 永远不该让宝剑、铁锹和思想生锈。