- greater omental syndrome 大网膜综合征
- Isolate actinomycosis of the greater omentum is extremely rare. 然而单一只发生在大网膜上放射线菌感染的情形是极为罕见的。
- In this report, we describe a case of greater omental hemorrhage in Taiwan. 一位47岁的男性,在三天前因用完大餐之后,发生持续性上腹疼痛且合并有腹膜炎徵象。
- Torsion with infarction of a segment of greater omentum was the unexpected finding in both cases. 手术的方式是将扭转坏死的网膜切除。
- Objective To explore the effects of free vascularized Greater omentum grafting for treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. 目的探讨游离大网膜移植治疗慢性骨髓炎的治疗效果。
- Objective To investigate the feasibility of pedicled greater omentum displacement for treatment of esophageal rapture. 摘要目的探讨应用带蒂大网膜移植治疗食管破裂的可行性。
- These greater omentum lesions appeared as characteristics of thickened , shifted and peculiar-echo. 声像图特征:大网膜趋向于病变部位,且发生厚度、形态和回声改变。
- Objective To evaluate the value of ultrasound in diagnosing greater omentum malignant tumors. 目的探讨超声诊断大网膜恶性肿瘤的价值。
- Methods We treated 8 cases with chronic osteomyelitis by free vascularized Greater omentum grafting. 方法本组8例慢性骨髓炎患者采用吻合血管的游离大网膜移植治疗。
- Objective:Search a method to repair gastroduodenal ulcer perforation using auto-material other than greater omentum. 目的:探寻一种大网膜以外的其它自体材料进行上消化道溃疡穿孔的修补方法。
- Results Packing pedunculated greater omentum was an effective method for severe liver trauma. 结果带蒂大网膜在治疗严重肝损伤中有重要作用。
- Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of the ultrasonography in greater omentum lesions. 目的评价大网膜病变的超声诊断价值,积累超声诊断大网膜病变的经验。
- Conclusion Autotransplantation of splenic tissue into the greater omentum is a convenient and effective way for spleen transplantation. 结论自体脾组织大网膜内移植术是简便有效的脾移植方法。
- Actinomycosis of the greater omentum is rare.A case of histologically proven actinomycosis of the greater omentum was reported. 摘要大网膜之放射菌感染非常罕见,我们报告一侧病理证明之大网膜放射菌感染。
- Actinomycosis of the greater omentum, although rare, should be included in the differential diagnosis of an omental mass especially in patients with fever (or leukcytosis). 虽然大网膜之放射菌感染非常罕见,当一发烧病人发现大网膜肿块,它应列入鑑别诊断。
- Results There were 3 cases of enteric cyst, 2 cases of mesentery lym-phangioma, 3 cases of greater omental cyst, 3 cases of cystic teratoma, 2 cases of abdominal abscess. 结果肠源性囊肿3例,肠系膜淋巴管瘤2例,大网膜囊肿3例,囊性畸胎瘤3例,腹腔脓肿2例。并发系膜扭转1例,网膜扭转2例,囊肿出血2例,肠穿孔和右侧胸腔疝各1例。结论儿童腹部脏器外囊性病变主要为良性病变。
- Objective:The sonographic features of great omental tuberculosis were evaluated to improve the diagnostic le vel of tubercular peritonitis. 目的:探讨大网膜结核的声像图表现,以提高结核性腹膜炎的超声诊断水平。
- In early repair operations,we adopted intraperitoneal route,protected the blood supply of ureter and packed ureter with greater omentum. 早期手术中采用经腹腔入路、术中保护输尿管血供及大网膜包裹填塞的手术方法。结果:19例均一次手术成功。
- Conclusions Complete debridement and hemostasis of the wound, and safe transfixion were preconditions of using pedunculated greater omentum to treat severe liver trauma. 结论对肝创面要彻底清创,严格止血,稳妥缝扎断裂胆管是应用带蒂大网膜的先决条件。