- Let all of us strive for our great nation! 为我们伟大的祖国,努力起来吧!
- This is a solemn commitment from a great nation. 这是一个民族的一项庄严承诺。
- They showed increased national chauvinism. 他们表现了与日俱增的国家沙文主义。
- I, it is this great nation in a bright star. 而我,则是这伟大民族中一颗璀璨的星星。
- I will multiply his descendants; he shall be father of twelve princes, and I will raise a great nation from him. 我已经祝福了他,使他多子多孙,使他的后代繁衍兴旺。他会成为十二个王子之父,我要使他身后形成一个大邦。
- Get to your feet, lift the child up and hold him in your arms, because I will make of him a great nation. 起来吧,去把孩子抑回怀中,我要使他以后也建成一个大国。
- Our nation is a great nation which is laborious and brave. 我们的民族是一个勤劳勇敢的伟大民族。
- Once a great nation commits itself, it must prevail. 一旦一个大国对一件事作出了承诺,它就必须取得成功。
- It was fateful time for a great nation thus to bind to its hands. 对于一个这样束缚自己手脚的大国来说,这是个决定命运的时刻。
- China is a great nation strong in natural resources. 中国是一个天然资源丰富的大国。
- And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. 如果美国要成为伟大的国家,这一点将会实现。
- And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. 如果美国要成为伟大的国家,这一点必须成为真正的。
- "And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. "而且如果美国要是一个很棒的国家,这一定变成真实。
- A people who value time highly must be a great nation. 珍惜时间的民族,一定是个伟大的民族。
- Ishmael will grow to lead a great nation of his own. /以赛玛利将会领导一个属于他自己的伟大的民族。
- Great nations have risen and declined. 大国兴起而又衰微。
- This great nation will endure as it has endured,will revive and will prosper. 这个伟大的国家会一如既往地坚持下去,它会复兴和繁荣起来。
- Our country is strong. A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. 我们的国家非常强大,我们伟大的人民已经行动起来,勇敢保卫我们伟大的祖国。
- The new president has plugged into a great national yearning. 新总统迎合全国上下急切的愿望。
- It will make the people of two great nations more carefully rise. 它将使两个伟大国家的人民进一步密切起来。