- great thinkers before Qin 先秦诸子
- Bertrand Russell, one of the great thinkers of our age. 伯特兰拉塞尔当代伟大的思想家之一。
- He has been feted as a great thinker. 他被赞誉为大思想家。
- Confucius was a great thinker of the past. 孔子是一位伟大的先哲。
- Confuscius is acclaimed as a great thinker. 孔子被赞誉为伟大的思想家。
- Dante is a great thinker of the Middle Ages. 但丁是中世纪文化思想的一位集大成者。
- Great thinker and literature in fifteen century. 尼扎木丁·艾里希尔·纳瓦依是15 世纪维吾尔族的伟大诗人、思想家和文学大师。
- Many great thinkers, like Aesop, lived a long time ago. 在很久以前,有很多象伊索这样的思想家。
- Bertrand Russell,one of the great thinkers of our age. 伯特兰拉塞尔当代伟大的思想家之一。
- And because he was Aristotle, the great thinker, no one questioned his idea for almost2,000 years. 因为他是伟大的思想家亚里斯多德,所以差不多有两千年之久,没有人对他的想法提出怀疑。
- Many great thinkers have debated the existence of the soul. 许多伟大的思想家曾争论灵魂的存在性。
- Yan Yuan is a well-famed Chinese educationalist and great thinker. 摘要颜元是我国历史上著名的思想家、教育家。
- We can see Hobbes's importance if we briefly compare him with the most famous political thinkers before and after him. 如果将霍布斯与其前后最著名的政治思想家进行一番粗略的比较,我们就能明白其之重要性。
- Jiangnan Generics south yangtze river to north Nanling.It Including Vast areas of Hunan、jiangxi and south hubei in before Qin dynasty. 摘要“江南”在先秦及秦汉典籍中,泛指长江以南、南岭以北的包括今湖南、江西及湖北的长江以南的广大地区。
- Lu Xun is known as a great writer as well as a great thinker. 鲁迅不但被认为是一位伟大的思想家,而且是一位伟大的作家。
- This article describes systemly the origin and evolution of hathpace buildings before Qin dynasty by studying related literatures. 摘要该文对中国先秦台型建筑的渊源及其演变通过对相关文献研究中的引得作了系统的疏理。
- On the 14th of March, the great thinker ceased to think. 3 月14 日,这位伟大的思想家停止了思想。
- Like a number of thinkers before him, he insisted that to understand society you had to see human beings as part of the material world. 如同在他之前的许多思想家一样,他强调,要理解历史,你必须把人类看作物质世界的一部分。
- There lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle. 希腊有一个名叫亚里斯多德的伟大思想家。
- It comes of the Eupatrid System in the Ear before Qin Dynasty, that is the officials are nominated by the King, and the official positions are descendent. 它起源于先秦时期的世卿制,即官员由王任命,官职世代相袭。