- The well expelled great quantities of gas. 那口井喷出大量的天然气。
- Great quantities of new books were sold out in a few days. 大量的新书几天之内就卖完了。
- The NDV group was found a great quantities of NDV viron budding. 结论NDV对裸小鼠人肺腺癌移植瘤有明显地抑瘤作用。
- Great quantities of soil were washed down the hillside by the rain. 大量的土壤被雨水从山坡上冲走。
- Great quantities of sand were washed down the hillside by the rain. 雨水把大量的泥沙冲下山坡。
- He lost a great quantity of blood. 他失血过多。
- At night we have great quantities of spare electric power. 夜间,我们有大量多余的电力。
- A great quantity of flowers was placed in the hall. 大厅里放了很多鲜花。
- They supply great quantities of agricultural by-products to the state. 他们向国家提供了大量农副产品。
- They brought in great quantities of bean-curd,sugar and other easily absorbed foods. 他们送来大量豆腐、白糖和其他易于吸收的食品。
- Great quantities of cooling water must be available for condensation of the ethylchloride. 为了凝结氯乙烷气体,必须使用大量的冷却水。
- It has stored great quantities of knowledge; it teaches more people; and despite its failures, it teaches them better. 大学储存了大量知识,教育了更多的人,虽然有其失败的一面,但教育质量也提高了。
- The two of us moved the furniture, filled the hole with cement and sprayed great quantities of very strong insecticide on it. 我们两人搬床挪柜,用洋灰堵上洞口,又往墙上喷了许多烈性敌敌畏。
- He has to produce great quantities of work,and then cut it to shape. The film "the immigrant" released in June 1917,entailed forty thousand feet of film being shot. It took Charlie four days and four nights to cut it to the required eighteen hundred feet. 他一般是大量产出,然后删减成型,1917年6月完成的影片《移民》,起先拍掉了4万英尺胶片,而后查理花了四天夜的删减至所需要的1800英尺。
- But because cancerous cells divide more rapidly than healthy cells,they require greater quantities of the vitamin. 由于癌细胞的分裂较健康的细胞要快,它们需要更大量的维他命。
- But because cancerous cells divide more rapidly than healthy cells, they require greater quantities of the vitamin. 由于癌细胞的分裂较健康的细胞要快,它们需要更大量的维他命。
- A great quantity of flowers was placed on the dead boy's body. 孩子的尸体上盖满了鲜花。
- Yesterday's typhoon brought a great quantity of rain. 昨天的台风带来了大量的降雨。
- Greater quantities of water evaporate, and more powerful winds dump this water against mountainsides with increasing strength. 更多的水份被蒸发,一些更加猛烈的风以更强大的气势把这些水又倾倒于山边。
- Our new factory is turning out a great quantity of high precision instruments. 我们新建的工厂正在生产大量的精密仪器。