- We hope to make great profit in the long term. 我们希望长期获利。
- He made a great profit on the transaction. 他在这笔买卖中获取暴利。
- This article yields us great profit. 这货物对我们产生很大的利益。
- I have read it with profit [to my great profit]. 我读完它之后得益匪浅 [大受裨益] 。
- This article yield-ed us great profit. 这东西给我们带来了很大的收益。
- That means a greater profit for us. (那就意味着我们会得到更大的利润。)
- This new invention will bring you great profits like a goldmine. 这项新发明会像一座金矿一样给你们带来利润。
- CompartamosBanco argues that the best way for microfinance to help the poor is for it to make a socking great profit. 同行,墨西哥国民银行高调提出谋求暴利才是利用小额贷款帮助人们脱贫的最佳途径。
- Let us pray for the faithful stewardship and above all, godliness plus contentment is great profit for all believers. 让我们为信徒能够在神面前做恩赐、钱财的好管家来祷告。
- By asking for many materials like gold to be woven into the suit, the swindlers made a great profit. 他们请求了许多金子,说是要它纺织成布料;他们用这样的办法,骗到了很多金钱。
- Vancl is a B2C website on garment founded in Oct 2007, It grows fast and makes great profit in a short time. ... 这家成立于07年10月的服装B2C网站,利用大规模的宣传和轰炸,短时间就累积出不可忽视的能量,成为08年衬衫界的一匹黑马。...
- The usual pretences are, sometimes the high price of provisions; sometimes the great profit which their master makes by their work. 他们所持的理由,有时是粮食昂贵,有时是雇主从他们的劳动得到过多的利润。
- This company makes great profits from manufacturing automobiles. 这家公司从生产汽车中大量利润.
- Wu Yu borrowed money from friends to invest in the stock market, savoring the great profit brought by the Chinese capital market at its early stage of development. 吴宇通过向朋友借钱等方式,全身投入股市,尽情分享还处于初级阶段的中国资本市场带来的巨大利润。
- The cooked wheaten food store spreading out,and can get the greatest profit at the end of the year. 这家面食店生意兴隆,年底能赚取最大的利润。
- The cooked wheaten food store spreading out, and can get the greatest profit at the end of the year. 这家面食店生意兴隆,年底能赚取最大的利润。
- In writing this book, the author has greatly profited from consulting many works on the same subjects. 在写这本书时,作者查阅了许多与此同类题材的著作,从中得益非浅。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。
- The success of osmund appearance, greatly profit from enters chemist's shop mode of this one sale. 薇姿的成功,在很大程度上都得益于进入药店这一营销模式。