- great productivity idea 大生产力观念
- I just called to say Thank You for a Great Product. 我打电话只想让您知道,非常谢谢你们的优秀的产品。
- Thank you for such a great product. 感谢你们如此完美的产品。
- That's a very low price for such a great product. 对这么棒的产品,那是很便宜的价格。
- But who invented this great product? 但是谁发明了这个伟大的产品?
- Certainly, it all comes back to great product technology. 确定地,它全部回到很棒的产品技术。
- The horrible marketing plan took the shine off a great product. 可怕的营销计划使一个极好的产品相形见绌。
- Design Process (where do product ideas come from? 设计过程(产品构思从哪里来?
- Why Great Technologies Don't Make Great Products? 为什么伟大的技术不能做出伟大的产品?
- But does mere money lead to greater productivity? 但是增加钱是否就能提高生产率呢?
- In the Inception phase, the product idea or request for proposal is developed to the point that the funding decision can be made. 在先启阶段,能够进行投资决策的产品想法或建议请求被确定下来。
- This is a great product, and everyone should use it to shape their face! 这是一种很好的产品,每个人都应该利用它来塑型她们的脸!
- Product idea: Innovation and rallying point of plan about real estate conception, innovation of resolvent and market sally force. 产品理念地产概念规划的创新与号召力,解决方案的创新与市场突破力。
- The director re-emphasized the need for greater productivity. 主任再次强调了增加产量的必要性。
- How can we urge our workers to greater production? 我们如何才能使我们的工人的高产量呢?
- But do more varied jobs lead to greater productivity? 但是,有更多的工作种类就能有更高的生产率吗?
- Joyce Carol Oates is a famous contemporary American writer, celebrated for the great productivity and diligence. 乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨是当代美国著名作家,素以勤奋多产而著称。
- Great product and service will be shown to P.R.C customer by Pacton and its solo agent Guangto Shanghai! 上海广拓是帕克顿在中国的独家总代理;帕克顿将与上海广拓共同为中国客户提供提供先进的产品和优质的服务.
- Great product really reduces the redness of spots, I had to buy another as my teenage daughter pinched mine. 非常伟大的产品,可以有效地消灭青春痘的红肿问题。我也要像我的小女儿一样开始使用它了!