- A great future opens before them. 远大的前程展现在他们面前。
- This musician has a great future. 这位音乐家前途远大。
- She has a great future ahead of her. 她前程远大。
- Trust me, we will have a great future. 比较好,意思是相信我吧,我们的未来会是美好的。
- You have a great future! Work hard! Don't stop! 你前途光明!努力工作!不要停!
- I hope you will have a great future. 我希望你将会拥有一个美好的未来。
- He was sure there was a great future ahead of me. 他确信我前程远大。
- He was sure there was a great future ahead of us. 他相信我们有远大前途。
- She knew she was destined for a great future. 她知道她注定要成大器。
- A great future is reserved for you. 光明的前程在等待着你。
- Her son really has a great future. 她的儿子确实前途无量。
- I think this company has a great future. 我相信贵公司有大好前景。
- We will prove to everyone that we can be,give her a great future. 我们要向所有的人证明我们能够给女儿一个美好的将来。”
- There is a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it? 塑料行业很有前途。考虑一下吧。你会考虑一下吗?
- Your son has a great future before him, that he will do honour to your name. 你儿子有伟大的前程,他会给您的大名增光。
- Ignore the doubters because I know it is also a company with a great future. 我同样很感激公司工会的领导人,我们曾经密切合作,计划并实施了许多艰难的,而且是必要的重组协议。
- To have a greater future ,being in purgatory temporarily . 也许这才是我现在的心情写照吧.;呵呵
- You have a great future. 你前途无量。
- Having attended the grand inauguration of our new factory, we all believe Tetra Pak will have a great future. 刚刚参加完盛大的利乐新厂开业典礼,每个人都看到了公司美好的前景。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。