- They want to have a trial of strength with us. 他们想和我们较量一下。
- I did not myself at all shrink mentally from the impending trial of strength. 我个人在心理上对这场即将到来的实力较量毫不畏惧。
- How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. 就是他们在患难中受大试炼的时候,仍有满足的快乐,在极穷之间,还格外显出他们乐捐的厚恩。
- The FA Challenge Cup match is a trial of strength between the winners of the FA Cup and the Football League Cup. 足球协会优胜杯赛是足球协会杯冠军和足球联合会杯冠军之间的力量的较量。
- Two competitors race through the flames during the trial of strength, stamina and endurance. 两名参赛者在火焰中奔跑。这一挑战项目考验的是参赛者的体力和毅力。
- Second, lofty: The loftiness is a kind of embodiment of the heroism spirit in fact, mean persons and natural trial of strength and surmount . 二、崇高性:崇高实质上是英雄主义精神的一种体现,意味着人与自然的较量与超越。
- That child of his is a great trial. 他那个孩子真叫人受不了。
- Having tried to raise taxes on agricultural exports to extortionate levels, she turned the resulting dispute with angry farmers into a trial of strength which she lost. 她试图将农业出口税调至“敲诈般”的高度,愤怒的农民提出抗议,克里斯蒂娜想借此试探谁的力量更强一点,结果她输了。
- His blindness is a great trial to him. 眼睛瞎对他来说是非常麻烦的事。
- We've made trial of this method in the large. 我们对此方法已进行过大规模的试验。
- Pre-eminent among these traditions is wrestling. On Mongolia's national day I witnessed this sweaty, ritualistic, trial of strength between men wearing boots and tight-fitting briefs. 在蒙古文化传统中最突出的就是摔跤。在国庆节那一天,我目睹了男子之间力量的较量。两位选手身穿紧身短袖背心,脚上穿着马靴,较量起来大汗淋漓,但是很讲究规矩。
- We've made trial of this method in large. 我们对此方法已进行过大规模的试验。
- The loss of all his fortune was a great trial to Antonio. 安东尼奥丧失了全部财产,这对他是极大的不幸。
- Nanfang Dushi Bao (hereinafter referred to as the "South"): With the central media reported that Al-feng in the trial of strength with the Basketball Association seems to get more public support? 南方都市报(以下简称“南都”):有了中央级媒体的报道,凤铝在这场同篮协的较量中似乎可以获得更多的舆论支持?
- The army put on a show of strength. 军队公开显示了力量。
- For that -- For that reason the old doctrine of a balance of power is unsound.We cannot afford, if we can help it, to work on narrow margins, offering temptations to a trial of strength. 如果我们能够帮助避免战争,那么我们就不能在狭窄的空间里工作,从而给俄国提供一个实力较量的诱惑。
- Great achievements are built on drops of strength. 小小的力量;可以成就伟大的事业.
- The recorder next door is a great trial to us. 隔壁邻居的那台录音机响得真是让人受不了。
- The variable weather is a great trial to me. 这种多变的天气真是让我受不了。
- These examinations were a great trial to me. 这些考试对我而言真是一大考验。