- It is suitable for grease lubrication only. 它只能用于滑脂润滑场合。
- For grease lubricated bearings, please check the grease life. 对于油脂润滑的轴承,请检查油脂寿命。
- This use of grease lubrication of the bearing has a sealing effect. 这对使用脂润滑的轴承具有一定的密封效果。
- Grease lubrication is preferred for bearings in SNL plummer block housings. SNL立式轴承座里的轴承最好采用脂润滑。
- For grease lubrication the viscosity of the base oil in the grease may be used. 油脂润滑时,可使用油脂中的基油粘度。
- New Grease Lubricator with Pressure 一种自压式油脂润滑脂杯
- Owing to the problems of grease losing and the inelasticity for the high viscosity in the traditional oil lubricators,a new type of grease lubricator with self-pressure was designed. 针对润滑油脂流失和传统油杯对高粘性润滑油脂的不适用性问题,设计了一种新型结构的自压式油脂润滑脂杯,为相关形式的润滑提供了方便。
- The values in the table are for oil lubricant, the grease lubricant values are 50% of these values. 表列为油润滑数值,脂润滑为表列数值50%25。
- Grease lubrication is normally used for bearings in standard bearing housings so that almost all the housings are designed for this. 油脂润滑通常用于标准轴承座里的轴承,因此几乎所有轴承座都是为此设计的。
- It can work long time without oil in the condition of boundary lubrcation, under oil or grease lubrication Interval, the work is longer. 在边界润滑条件下可长期不加油保养,而在过程中加油使轴承使用寿命更长。
- In case of grease lubrication, fill the bearing with the recommended amount of grease, also see "Grease lubrication" (fig). 如采用滑脂润滑,现将滑脂填入轴承,充填量参照“滑脂润滑”一节(图)。
- Based on the working and fault conditions, the paper analyzes the reliability of grease lubrication system of forge press by the fault tree. 本文根据锻压机高压供脂润滑系统的实际工况和故障状态,应用故障树分析法对其进行了定性与定量分析。
- Compared with dry fretting, no significant difference in the deviding of the fretting regime has beenobserved with grease lubricated fretting. 在稳定的脂润滑条件下微动区域的划分变化不大.
- The grease lubricated bearing assemblies are built with special heat resistant seals on the roll sides to prevent leakage and to ensure a long bearing life at high temperature. 油脂润滑的轴承组件,经过特殊的防热密封设计,可防止泄露并保证高热环境下的高使用寿命。
- Description Type CK-B is a sprag type freewheel non-bearing supported.Bearings are required to support axial and radial loads.Units are delivered grease lubricated. 特性 CK-B型号为无轴承支撑的楔块式单向离合器,使用时需要配合轴承安装以承受轴向负载与径向负载,出厂时已加注润滑脂。
- Description Type CK-C is a sprag type freewheel non-bearing supported.Bearings are required to support axial and radial loads.Units are delivered grease lubricated. CK-C型号为无轴承支撑的楔块式单向离合器,使用时需要配合轴承安装以承受轴向负载与径向负载,出厂时已加注润滑脂。
- I use the floor cleaner to remove grease. 我用地板除垢剂清除油污。
- The engine was covered in grease. 发动机上有层油脂。
- Radial usually adopts wind axis with grease lubrication, within its longevity, need not use lubrication, can collocate constant lubricating cap according to requirements and adopt thin oil to lubricate. 轴承通常采用油脂润滑的流动轴承,有效寿命期内无需添加润滑脂,并可根据要求配置油位恒定的油杯,采用稀油润滑。
- Those grease stains won't wash off. 这些油迹洗不掉。