- gray rock of Ordovician 奥陶系灰岩
- The gold mine origins from the gold enriched volcanic and sedimentary rock of Ordovician,Carbonic and Dias. 奥陶系、石炭系和二叠系富金的火山-沉积岩为金矿的矿源层;
- The carbonate rocks of Ordovician in Lunnan area are generally not reservoirs,but the deuterogenous karstificated holes,pores and seams can serve as valid reservoirs. 塔里木盆地轮南地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩基岩总体为非储层,有效储集体为由岩溶作用形成的次生孔、洞、缝型储集体。
- The Rock of Gibraltar is honeycombed with caves. 直布罗陀岩山上有许多洞穴。
- The source rocks of Ordovician carbonate rocks in the Ordos Basin are mostly Preserved in darkgrey micrite transgtessive system tracts and early-sarge high water-level system tracts. 应用层序地层学基本原理对奥陶系碳酸盐岩含油气性的研究表明:一方面构成奥陶系层序格架的不同单元,具有各异的油气地质意义;
- On the rock of the seashore stood a schoolgirl. 海边礁石上站着一个女学生。
- Pressure Control Drilling Technology in Stylolitic Structure Carbonate Rock of Ordovician System in Lunnan Area 轮南奥陶系缝洞型碳酸盐岩钻井的压力控制技术
- Both brothers are rocks of our club. 兄弟俩都是我们俱乐部的中坚人物。
- On the rock of the seashore stood a girl student. 海边礁石上站着一个女学生。
- The Rock of Gibraltar is honeycombed with cave s. 直布罗陀岩山上有许多洞穴.
- The kimberlite is one of mother rock of diamond. 金伯利岩是金刚石的成矿母岩之一。
- Rocks of prejudice must be removed. 必须排除偏见的险阻。
- The little gray rock really started to get bugged by this, so he formulated a plan with his friends. 小灰石实在受不了了,于是他向他的朋友们讲述了他的计划。
- Selfridge: This is why we're here, because this little gray rock sells for twenty million a kilo. 夸里奇上校:"你们再也不会呆在堪萨斯州了。女士们先生们,现在你们身处的是潘多拉星球。"
- The philosopher has his ideas built on the rock of reason. 那位哲学家把思想稳固地建立于理性之上。
- There are some fluid inclusions in the fillings of dissolved void of Ordovician carbonate rock in the Ordos basin. 鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系马家沟组碳酸盐岩的溶孔、溶洞充填物中均含有一定量的包裹体。
- The distribution of W-1 cycle primary gray rock trending in EW direction was localized and its east end extends to Dure which area is one of the promising propective area. 同时乌伦古河组W-1旋回原生灰色岩石分布较为局限;大致呈EW向带状展布;并向东部延伸至杜热一带.
- The big waves struck the rocks of the bank. 巨浪拍击着岸边的岩石。
- Except for huge carbonate rock lithologic deposit of Ordovician, the main hydrocarbon reservoir are all belong to tectonic hydrocarbon reservoir. 主力油气藏中除了奥陶系大型碳酸盐岩岩性油藏之外,都属于构造型油气藏。
- But the LORD is my defence; and my God is the rock of my refuge. 但耶和华向来作了我的高台。我的神作了我投靠的磐石。