- She's President and Prime Minister in one. 她一人身兼总统及首相。
- She is in attendance on the sick man. 她在照顾病人。
- Hold up the grand minister's tail with your stinking hands. 这儿,用你的臭手托起总理大人的尾巴!
- The doctor is in attendance on the sick man. 医生在照顾病人。
- She is President and Prime Minister in one. 她一人身兼总统及首相。
- There is a doctor in attendance. 有一位医生照顾。
- He is only prime minister in name. 他只是名义上当首相。
- They were in attendance on the king. 他们是侍候国王的。
- The sainted minister in the church! 那位教堂中神圣的牧师!
- This nurse is in attendance on an old man. 你出席过多少次?
- At the funeral all next of kin were in attendance. 所有的亲属都参加了葬礼。
- She towed in attendance behind her a short man. 她身后随着一个矮个子男人做跟班。
- No more than40 people at best in attendance. 充其量有不到40人参加
- A minister in the new government crossed swords with a member of the Opposition on the first day after Parliament opened. 议会开会的第一天,新政府中的一位部长就和反对党的一位议员争论起来。
- In attendance, especially at a royal court. 侍奉,尤指在皇宫中
- Who is the physician in attendance? 谁是当班医生?
- The major was in attendance upon the Queen. 这少校担任女王的侍卫。
- Hands down the three-country years, famous litterateur Mi Hengyou Liu Biao recommends directs for the river summer grand minister superintendent yellow ancestor. 相传三国年间,名士祢衡由刘表荐引给江夏太守黄祖。祢衡和黄祖的儿子黄射非常要好,常常在一起玩耍作乐,饮酒赋诗。...
- That politician is too closely identified with the former government to become a minister in ours. 那位政治家与前政府有密切关系,因此不能在我们政府当阁员。
- There were over 150 kids in attendance. 共有150多名小朋友参加.