- Application of grammatical metaphor leads to attic sentence and nominalization. 雅式句、名词化是语法隐喻在科技语体中应用的结果。
- Nominalization is the main source in which grammatical metaphor arises. 摘要名物化是语法隐喻的重要手段。
- As a particular kind of language expression, grammatical metaphor is a significant embodiment of English genre. 摘要语法隐喻作为语言表达的一种特殊形式,是语体特征重要的表现形式。
- Hallidaypoints out that nominalization is the most obvious form of grammatical metaphor,especially in scientific texts. 韩礼德指出,名词化是语法隐喻最常见的体现形式,特别是在科技语篇中。
- This thesis carries on a research of Martin s classification of textual grammatical metaphor(TGM). 本文对马丁的语篇语法隐喻分类进行了探讨。
- The article gives an analysis of type, talking pattern, textual composition of grammatical metaphor and some other factors of language type. 本文围绕语法比喻的类型、谈话方式、本组织和语言类型的关系等几个方面进行了阐述。
- Some scholars, such as Hu Zhuanglin (1996; 2000), Zhu Yongsheng (1994; 2000) and Yang Xinzhang (1998), have written articles on grammatical metaphor. 我国学者胡壮麟(1996;2000),朱永生(1994;2000)和杨信彰(1998)都曾撰文论及语法隐喻。
- It has been two decades since the proposal of the grammatical metaphor theory. Over this period, the theory has undergone much development and won more recognition. 经过20年的发展,语法隐喻理论也有不少新的发展,从单纯的列举语法隐喻现象,发展到探讨语法隐喻的形成机制、哲学基础,以及语法隐喻和词汇隐喻的关系。
- Second, according to the metafunctions of language, grammatical metaphor can be classified into ideational metaphor, interpersonal metaphor and textual metaphor. 其次,根据语言的元功能,语法隐喻可分为概念隐喻,人际隐喻和语篇隐喻。
- Through the analysis the author has the following findings: 1) Both the ideational grammatical metaphor and the interpersonal grammatical metaphor are common in opinion columns. 作者对语料进行统计分析后发现:1)语法隐喻的两种形式,即概念语法隐喻和人际语法隐喻在评论专栏中普遍存在。
- Halliday"s theory of grammatical metaphor not only opens up a whole new realm of study on metaphor, but contributes to the development of linguistics as well. 韩礼德的语法隐喻理论不仅为隐喻理论研究开辟了新的视野,同时也为语言学理论的丰富和发展作出了很大贡献。
- Nowadays grammatical metaphor has gained more and more recognition in the international academic field and has also aroused increasing interest from Chinese linguists. 语法隐喻不仅越来越多地得到了国际学术界的认可,而且还引起了中国语言学家的注意。
- Halliday recently puts forward the concept of grammatical metaphor in his systemic and functional grammar, paying a special attention to grammatical metaphor. 韩礼德在系统功能语法系统中提出了语法隐喻概念,给予语法隐喻特别的关注。
- This article is an attempt to analyze in a functional approach the functions of nominalization as a form of grammatical metaphor in the second language acquisition. 摘要本文试图用功能语法理论分析名词化作为一种语法隐喻的手段在二语习得中的重要性。
- This paper tries to make an analysis of the stylistic features of English speech from the perspective of grammatical metaphor theory in functional linguistics, which is to help us have a good command of this kind of discourse. 运用系统功能语言学的语法隐喻理论,分析演讲英语语篇的文体特征,能够使我们更好的理解和把握这一文体。
- Grammatical metaphor not only breaks the limitation of lexical metaphor research theoretically, but also enhances the features of scientific precision, conciseness and objectivity practically. 语法隐喻的提出,不仅从理论上弥补了隐喻研究只停留在词汇层面的不足,而且通过语法功能的隐喻化使科技英语保留了其精确、客观、简洁的文体特征。
- Grammatical metaphor is an indispensable part of language for science and it plays an important part in organizing conceptual systems, reshaping human experience and the framing of discourses. 语法隐喻广泛存在于科技语篇中,具有组织概念系统、重构经验、衔接和展开语篇等功能。
- Some scholars have also touched upon the grammatical metaphor phenomenon in the Chinese language based on Halliday's implicit statement of the universality of grammatical metaphor. 有些学者在韩礼德语法隐喻普遍性理论的基础上,对汉语中的语法隐喻现象已有所涉及。
- Nominalization is a type of grammatical metaphor, i.e. the use of a nominal form to express a process meaning (congruently worded as verbs) or a property meaning (congruently worded as adjectives). 名词化是把句子中的动词或形容词转换为名词或名词词组,从而使名词或名词词组获得动词或形容词的意义而具有名词的语法功能。