- The sequence of grain yield and head milled rice yield was seedling 6:4 rice , middle shoot 5:5 rice , big shoot rice 4:6 output due to the correspondence between the number of ear per 666.7 m2 and the number of grain per spike . 小苗水稻6:4、中苗水稻5:5、大苗水稻4:6时产量、整精米产量最高,主要是因为穗数和穗粒数协同增加的结果。
- CIMMYT cultivars were characterized by more spikes and grains per spike, medium thousand kernel weight, and high grain yield with broad adaptability. CIMMYT品种穗数和穗粒数多,千粒重中等,具有广泛适应性,比中国品种具有更高的产量优势;
- Influence of Meteorological Conditions During Spike Formation Stage on Number of Grain Per Spike and Setting Percentage of Rice 孕穗期气象条件对水稻每穗总粒数和结实率的影响
- grains per spike 穗粒数
- Number of grain per spike 每穗总粒数
- In the paper, the combination among 1000-grain weight, grain numbers per spike and multispikelet have been discussed. 其次,株高与蛋白质含量以及抽穗期与小穗数的正相关关系对选育多小穗和高蛋白质含量有一定的不利影响。
- The path analysis showed that the coefficient of direct path and genetic correlation was equivalent between grains number per spike and water soluble pentosan content. 遗传通径分析结果表明,穗粒数与水溶性戊聚糖含量之间的直接通径系数与其遗传相关系数基本一致。
- The 1RS/1BL increased the spikelet number per spike, however, it decreased the grain number per spikelet. 抽穗期、穗粒数和穗粒重几个性状间差异不显著。
- What is the yield of grain per mu here? 这里的粮食亩产是多少?
- The diallel cross was used to analyze GCA and SCA effects on grain number per spike and fruit number per small spike of eight spring wheat genotypes. 摘要通过双列杂交方式,对8个春小麦品种的结实小穗数和穗粒数进行一般配合力和特殊配合力效应分析。
- By their relatively importance of the major constituent, the factors which contribution to the yield were weighty spike, big grain, more grain number per spike and multispikelet. 对产量贡献由大到小的主成分依次是重穗因子、大粒因子、粒数因子和小穗数因子。
- The results indicated that improving the kernel number per spike should be focused on increasing the spikelet number, floret differentiation rate and grain set rate. 因此,小麦穗粒数的改良应在增加结实小穗数的基础上提高小花的分化速率和小花的结实率。
- In conclusion, more spikelets and kernels per spike were the most valuable traits in turgidum landraces, and could be utilized in wheat breeding. 本研究认为,多小穗数和多穗粒数是圆锥小麦地方品种最突出的优良性状,可做为小麦育种的重要基因资源。
- Seedlings with 3.5 or 4.5 leaves were transplanted to obtain the most grains per panicle and yields. 5和4.;5叶龄插秧时每穗粒数最多、产量最高。
- The grains per panicle, therefore, were affected by the number of primary branches, large and small vascula... 穗颈维管束数主要受遗传因素控制;环境条件的影响相对较小.;此外;还讨论了粳稻超高产育种中与此有关的几个问题
- Genotypes, with significant more rachis nodes, thus more spikelet number per spike than CS (Common Spike) in wheat, are named MRN (Multiple-Rachis-Node) wheat. 多穗轴节类(MRN)小麦系指通过增加小穗着生部位(穗轴节)来提高每穗小穗数的遗传类型。
- The higher plant height, more spikelets and kernels per spike, lower 1000-grain weight and longer growing time were found to be the main characters of those landrace. 在株高、分蘖数、有效穗数、穗长、小穗数和穗粒数等性状上供试材料间存在极显著差异。
- Anther shape was changed and the number of pollen grains per anther was reduced, but grains could be stained with aceto-carmine. 转基因烟草的花药形状有较大的变异,早期的每个花药中花粉数明显减少,但这些花粉可被醋酸一洋红染色。
- Regarding the statement, “If your water is over 7 grains per gallon (gpg), you might want to consider a softener just for the laundry. 针对这句表述:如果您的水的硬度超过7格令每加仑,你也许就希望考虑使用软水来洗衣服了。