- Syndepositional scoured deformation structure in grain flow deposition 颗粒流沉积过程中的同沉积冲刷变形构造
- The deep water allogenic deposition includes debris flow deposition (calcirudite), turbidite deposition (silty grain limestone) and internal tide deposition (laminated siltstone). 观音桥段的深水异地沉积包括碎屑流沉积(砾屑灰岩)、浊流沉积(粉砂质颗粒灰岩)和内潮汐沉积(纹层状粉砂岩)。
- Methodological research on numerical simulation and disaster risk assessment of debris flow deposition fan II. 泥石流堆积数值模拟及泥石流灾害风险评估方法2。
- Thin film of bismuth telluride was formed by alternately depositing Te and Bi via an automated flow deposition(system). 采用一个自动式电化学薄层流沉积系统,通过交替沉积碲元素和铋元素制备了碲化铋薄膜。
- Online monitoring technology for grain flow(end) 谷物流量在线监测技术(续完)
- continuous grain flow crankshaft 全纤维曲轴
- continuous grain flow crank shaft 连续晶体流锻造曲轴
- Pyroclastic flow deposits have become a research topic of great interest in volcanology, because they may bring the humanity devastating hazards. 摘要火山碎屑流堆积因其巨大的危害性而成为火山学研究的重要课题之一。
- The strobe at the bottom of the machine will open in tedding and grains flow out to the ground by gravitation and be spread equally while the machine is advancing. 摊晒作业本面是在行走过程中打开粮仓底部闸门,粮食靠自重流到场地形成均匀铺条。
- Gravity flow deposits are consisted of thick dark-gray and gray slump deposits, debris-flow deposits and thin-medium bedded turbidite deposits. 重力流沉积为暗灰、灰色的厚层滑塌沉积、碎屑流沉积和薄-中层浊流沉积组合。
- The grain crop has gone down this year. 今年的粮食作物产量下降了。
- According to different origins, it can be divided into three types: debris flow deposits, channel deposits and sheetflood deposits.The debris flow deposits is the best developed. 根据砾岩成因不同分为泥石流砾岩、河道砾岩和漫流砾岩等沉积类型,其中泥石流砾岩最为发育。
- Research and Test on Grain Flow Characteristics in Vertical Pipe 垂直管内谷物流动特性的测试分析
- On the gentle slopes, stratigraphic traps were mainly developed in the lake-floor-fan in LST, or formed by gravity flow deposited in pre-delta of TST and HST. 在盆地的缓坡部位,主要发育河流-三角洲复合体靠近深湖区的边缘地带的低位域湖底扇地层圈闭、水进域和高位域发育于前三角洲的重力流形成的地层圈闭。
- The company is an international trader in grain. 这家公司是国际粮食贸易公司。
- Xiyu Formation is characterized by coarse debris flow deposits,marking the strong uplift of the northern part of Tibetan Plateau and unroofing of the West Kunlun. 西域组的沉积标志着作为物源区的西昆仑山已有相当的高度。
- Their speculative buying of grain is illegal. 他们投机购买谷物是不合法的。
- Bad luck goes against the grain. 厄运总是令人讨厌的。
- Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests. 储存的谷物经常受到害虫的破坏。
- Our grain output will be3.7 times that of1960. 我们的粮食产量将是1960年的3。7倍。