- One misfortune followed hard on another. 不幸接踵而来。
- One billiard ball impinged on another. 一个台球撞击另一个台球。
- It is not good to trade on another's ignorance. 利用他人的无知是不应该的。
- One country declared war on another. 一个国家对另一个国家宣战。
- One who secretly keeps watch on another or others. 间谍:秘密监视别人的人。
- One event treads close on another. 相继而起。
- On the tip of a tree which had lost all its other leaves, two still remained hanging from one twig: Ole and Trufa. 在一棵其它叶子都落了的树梢上,还有两片挂在一根细枝上:这是奥立和特鲁法。
- On another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. 还有一次,他在一个废弃的停车场着陆。
- graft one variety on another 将一品种接到另一品种
- Electrolysis is also used to plate one metal on another. 电解也用于将一种金属电镀在另一种金属上。
- Samaria and its king will float away like a twig on the surface of the waters. 至于撒玛利亚,她的王必灭没,如水面的沫子一样。
- The extent of influence that one culture or nation has on another. 渗透一种文化或一个国家对另一文化或另一国家所产生的影响的强度
- Having completed one task, we started on another one. 完成一项工作,我们又开始了另一项。
- Dry friction occurs when one solid body slides on another. 一个固体在另一个固体上滑动时出现的现象,称为干摩擦。
- He who depends on another dine ill and sup worse. 寄人篱下,饮食不安。
- That did raise the question, though, of why one twig of the great dinosaur tree had developed such strange outer vestments, even before it developed wings. 现在问题来了,为什么在庞大的恐龙族谱中,有这样一个分支会先进化出如此古怪的外表而不是翅膀呢?
- An intrusion or infringement on another. 打扰对别人的侵入或侵害
- Now he was going on another trip, a far more eventful one. 现在他又要跑一趟了,这一趟愈加关系重大。
- I really don't know what kind of man he really is; on one occasion, he is normal, and on another, he acts like a lunatic. 我真不了解他到底是怎样的人; 一会儿正常,一会儿又像个疯子。
- We cannot count on another country to help us. 我们不能指望别的国家来帮助我们。