- Summarizing and sorting of company attendance data. 公司考勤数据汇总和整理。
- Perfect grade and grayness engraving. 完美的坡度雕刻、灰度图雕刻。
- My job is to cut stencils and sort up mails. 我的工作是刻蜡板和把来信分类。
- The singer is well-stacked and sort of young. 那歌手体态丰满,年龄还不大。
- Smoking was related to gender, grade and specialty. 性别、年级、专业与现在是否吸烟有关。
- Let's try and sort out this mess. 彻底分类。
- He flunked 6th grade and had take classes again. 他六年级留级了,必须重新修课。
- I mooned my way through grade and high school. 我糊里糊涂读完了五年级和中学。
- Comparison and sorting is performed based on binary sort orders. 比较和排序都按照二进制的顺序进行处理。
- Start secondary education in seventh grade and end it after tenth. 中等教育从7年级开始,在10年级之后结束。
- The service will be improved by batching and sorting enquiries. 分批、分类处理查询将会提高服务质量。
- If you don't stop that noise, I'll come in and sort you out. 如果你们还在那里吵吵闹闹,我就进来惩罚你们。
- After cleaning and sorting, the first processing step is blanching. 在清理和分类之后,第一个加工步骤是漂白。
- grading and sorting 分级分类
- Packing and sorting are two activities in logistics. 包装和分拣是物流中的两项活动。
- Last semester I taught third grade and this semester, fourth grade. 上学期我教的是三年级,这学期教四年级。
- Wild-looking and sort of glassy they were like crazy people's eyes. 因为此时,马克的目光呆滞,充满着疯狂--简直就像疯子的眼睛一样。
- Distinctive, decorous grade and brand-new life interest. 独特、高雅的品位与崭新的生活情趣。
- And careful alluring cultured is a kind of grade and consideration. 而小心的诱惑讲究的则是一种品位和关怀。
- If you don't stop that noise,I'll come in and sort you out. 如果你们还在那里吵吵闹闹,我就进来惩罚你们。