- Finally it uses variable learning rate gradient descent method to optimize optimum network which is trained by genetic algorithm, then applied in the multiuser detection. 并用变学习速率梯度下降法优化遗传训练出的最优网络,应用到多用户检测中。
- The self-tuning fuzzy control algorithm including a back-propagation-based fuzzy controller and the gradient descent method is applied to reduce the pitch motion of the SWATH ship with control stabilizing fins. 控制模式为一自调模糊控制,包括应用一类神经倒传递观念的模糊控制器及梯度下降法来减少纵摇运动。
- A Fast Learning Method of Fuzzy Systems Based on GA and Gradient Descent Method 一种基于GA和梯度下降法的快速模糊系统学习方法
- Is based on the idea of gradient descent. 规则是基于梯度降落这样一种思路。
- gradient descent method 梯度下降法
- Based on the steepest descent method and the conjugate gradient method, a hybrid algorithm is proposed in this paper, and its global convergence is proved. 摘要将最速下降法与共扼梯度法有机结合起来,构造出一种混合优化算法,并证明其全局收敛性。
- In this paper,the Linear-Exponential(L.E) algorithm are presented that is bassed on the optimal gradient estimation of steepest descent method . 本文基于对最速下降(算)法梯度的优化估值,提出了线性-指数(L.E)自适应滤波算法。
- By using log-polar image gradient descent for minimizing a dissimilarity measure, mission was tracked, The registration of the airborne imagery shows that the method is efficient. 匹配后,用相对运动时目标的对数极坐标变换图像梯度下降最小相异评估方法对目标进行跟踪,通过对航拍照片进行匹配测试,证明了这种方法的有效性。
- The conjugate descent method introduced by Fletcher (1987) is one of the conjugate gradient methods. 共轭下降法是由 Fletcher( 1 987)提出的一个共轭梯度法。
- By introducing the dynamic error transfer factor associated with mean squared error and using the improved gradient descent approach,the proposed method can identify the fuzzy T-S prediction model. 通过引入与均方误差相关的动态误差传递因子;使用改进的梯度下降法;本方法能够辨识模糊T-S预测模型.
- The hybrid algorithm raises the convergence rate of the conjugate gradient method and solves the problem for which the convergence rate of the steepest descent method get slower when the isopleth of goal function is oblong. 这种混合优化算法结合了共扼梯度法和最速下降法产生搜索方向,既提高了共扼梯度算法的收敛速度,又解决了目标函数的等值线是扁长椭球时,最速下降法下降缓慢的问题,具有收敛速度快、收敛范围大、适应面广等特点。
- Based on gradient descent rule, the BP( Back Propagation) algorithm is a local optimization algorithm. bp算法基于梯度下降原理,是一种局部寻优算法。
- Switched capacity circuit structures of gradient methods are proposed,the common properties of the steepest descent method, Newton method and quas Newton methods are analysed. 建立了梯度法的开关电容电路结构,分析了最速下降法、牛顿方法和拟牛顿法的共同特点,研究无约束差分优化的开关电容电路结构。
- Proposed a new competition algorithm based on gradient descent algorithm acorrding to a cost function defined,and proved the convergence of the new algorithm. 根据定义的损失函数,利用梯度下降法得到新的模型竞争学习算法,并证明了该竞争算法的收敛性。
- Furthermore, the gradient descent and recursion least squares are used to optimize the parameters of the basis function and the linear weight of the output layer, respectively. 同时为进一步提高网络性能,采用梯度下降法与递推最小二乘法混合学习策略,分别对基函数参数(中心与宽度)和输出层线性权值进行学习。
- Among known model-free optimization techniques, stochastic parallel perturbative gradient descent is perhaps the most promising for adaptive optics applications. 译文:在已知的无模型优化技术中,随机并行扰动梯度下降算法对自适应光学应用而言可能是最有前途的。
- Direct heritability for TNC appeared to be large, for which single seed descent method might be better in genetic selection. 全氮含量以直接狭义遗传率为主,采用单粒选择易取得较好效果。
- To achieve better network generalization capability, the PSO combined with the gradient descent algorithm was applied to optimize the parameters of the ellipsoidal units. 为提高椭球基概率神经网络的性能,提出了一种把粒子群优化算法和梯度下降算法相结合的混合结构优化算法用于椭球基神经元的优选和控制参数的优化。