- He snatched the letter from me . 他从我手上抢去了那封信。
- grabbed the letter from me. 从我手里抢走了信
- He acknowledged the receipt of a letter from me . 他告知收到过我一封信。
- He plucked the letter from her hands. 他从她手里把信抓了过来。
- Dean Swore and grabbed the hoe from me. 迪恩咒骂一声,猛地从我手中夺过锄头。
- She went as if to snatch the letter from him. 她走上去,好像要一把夺过他手里的信。
- He snatched the letter from me. 他从我手上抢去了那封信。
- He pitched the letter from ken into the fire. 他把肯的来信掷入火中。
- He could mail the letter from there. 他可以从那儿寄那封信。
- He acknowledged the receipt of a letter from me. 他告知收到过我一封信。
- He re-read the letter from the master. 他把院长那封信又看了一遍。
- I am so happy to get the letter from you saying that I had been admitted to Moraine Valley Junior College. 接到来信,知道我已被莫莱茵谷专科学校录取,真是高兴万分!
- Wang Hong is reading the letter from her mother. 王红正在看她妈妈的来信。
- The letter from her son made her so worried. 儿子的来信令她如此焦虑不安。
- He could mail the letter from there . 他可以从那儿寄那封信。
- He just grabbed the bag from my hand and ran off. 他抢走我手中的提包就跑了。
- All the letters from the war area were censored. 所有从战区寄来的信件都经过了检查。
- I took the letters from my in tray. 我从来件盘上取下信件。
- She has kept all the letters from him. 她把他的来信全保存起来。
- He pitch the letter from ken into the fire. 他把肯的来信掷入火中。