- Management of government budget II. 政府预算管理学2。
- Review world each country to teach the computation of funds, all include governmental budget defray and folk to invest two respects. 纵观世界各国教育经费的计算,均包括政府预算支出和民间投资两个方面。
- Current questions and problems are discussed in this Committee, e.g.FFO’s comments on the annual governmental budget proposals. 当前的问题和难题都要经过这委员会讨论,例如,FFO对年度政府预算提案发表看法。
- Government budget should be the price of procuring public products. 政府预算应是购买公共产品的价格。
- He is also responsible for preparing and presenting the Government Budget. 他亦负责编制和发表政府财政预算案。
- A balanced government budget at a higher level of government spending and taxation. 在较高水平的政府支出与税收的平衡预算。
- A balanced government budget at the same level of government spending and taxation. 在同一水平的政府支出与税收的平衡预算。
- They are responses to Tory unease about the impact of the financial crisis on the party's intellectual foundations and the government budget. 它们都是对保守党内的不安情绪作出的回应,这种不安源于金融危机在该党的知识构成和政府预算上造成的影响。
- At present, Jiaozuo City, 90% government budget has been adopted various forms, such as allow public participation decision-making. 目前焦市90%25政府预算已经通过直投等多种形式让公众参与决策。
- The reasons are historic.Before economic reforms began, state firms simply received all financing from the government budget and remitted any profit. 不过这是有历史原因的,经济改革之前,国有企业的资金全部来自政府预算,所有利润全部上缴。
- In places where the cost used to be split between the government budget and the working units,the government budget now has taken over as the sole source of fund. 原来实行财政和企事业单位分担的地方已全部转为由财政统一负担保障资金。
- Perhaps some central banks would lose their financial independence and become dependent or more so than hitherto - on subvention from the government budget. 或者有些中央银行会因此而丧失财政独立的地位,变成需要倚赖或比目前更倚赖政府拨款资助。
- The fund for supporting the foreign enterprises should be listed into the government budget, and be given to the enterprises before the first quarter of the next year. 财政扶持外来投资企业的资金列入县财政预算,并于次年一季度结束前拨付到位。
- Investment return for the fiscal reserves next year is likely to be significantly below trend, and allowance should be made in the next government budget for this possibility. 展望下个年度,财政储备的投资回报可能远远低于趋势水平,并应在政府预算中反映出来。
- In places where the cost used to be split between the government budget and the working units, the government budget now has taken over as the sole source of fund. 原来实行财政和企事业单位分担的地方已全部转为由财政统一负担保障资金。
- The difference, I think, is that Paul is mainly concerned with universal coverage and is happy to put off concerns about the government budget constraint to another day. 我认为,两者的观点之所以不同,是因为保罗关心的主要是广泛的覆盖范围,且乐意推迟考虑政府预算约束的问题。
- A family on a budget can't afford meat every day. 经济拮据的家庭不能每天享用肉食。
- Because lower investment today means lower productivity in the future, government budget deficits are generally thought to depress growth in living standards. 因为今天的低投资意味着将来的低生产力,政府的预算赤字通常被认为限制了生活水平的提高。
- Our budget has been pared to the bone. 我们的预算已削减到最低限度。
- One Department of Conservation office in the South Island has received 89 proposals on how the $6.6 million tagged for stoat control in the last government budget should be spent. 尽管统计显示有7万只鹬鸵,看来似乎处于相当不错的水平,但这个数量是从原来的1200万降下来的。