- Government sources denied there had been a deliberate cover-up. 政府方面否认了有故意掩饰的行为。
- Government sources indicated yesterday that cuts may have to be made. 政府方面昨天透露,削减可能势在必行。
- Government sources indicated yesterday that tax cuts may have to be made. 政府方面昨天透露,税收削减可能势在必行。
- Government sources said there would be no prolonged pause in the war. 据官方消息,这场战争的时间不会长。
- Now government sources in Islamabad say Maulvi Omar has confirmed it. 现在,来自伊斯兰堡的政府消息来源称,欧玛已证实了这一消息。
- The China Daily, also citing government sources, reported that 169 people have died. 中国日报也援引政府方面的消息称已有169人死亡。
- The fact that leading journalists were advised by high government sources to take the anti-toxin Cipro before the anthrax attacks. 事实上,在炭疽病爆发之前,那些主要的记者就被政府消息人士告知服用一种名叫盐酸环丙沙星制剂的抗霉素。
- Government sources in Ottawa say the new language is intentional and is aimed at breaking a diplomatic logjam that worsened when Mr. 贝尼耶的声明得到北京的欢迎。新华社报道说中国外交部发言人秦刚表达了中国对此的赞赏。
- The Tuesday report by South Korea's Yonhap news agency cites unnamed government sources who say the missiles were fired from an east coast launch pad. 南韩联合通讯社星期二援引没有透露姓名的政府消息人士的话说,这两枚导弹从北韩东部沿海一处发射场发射。
- As a measure of official irritation, government sources have let it be known that they will strip drug cheats of all the privileges their medals have earned them. 恼怒的希腊政府采取了措施,他们宣布凡是通过服用兴奋剂这种欺骗手段而获得的奖牌及其带来的一切荣誉和特权,都会被撤消。
- We firmly fight against all illegal acts such as BriBery, tax evasion, theft of state property, jerryBuilding and stealing economic information from government sources. 我们坚决反对一切行贿、偷税漏税、盗窃国家资材、偷工减料、偷窃国家经济情报的不法行为。
- The reclusive state may fire the short- to mid-range missile shortly after the long-range missile is launched, Sankei said, quoting unidentified Japanese government sources. 这个封闭的国家可能会在发射远程导弹之后马上发射中短程导弹,产经新闻引述未署名的来自日本政府的消息源报道。
- The decision will be announced when Prime Minister Taro Aso meets his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on May 12 in Tokyo, Kyodo News said, citing unnamed government sources. 共同社说,这一决定将于5月12日麻生太郎会见俄罗斯总统普京时在东京宣布,引述政府消息来源未提及。
- It doesn't come from any official governmental source. 它不是来自任何官方的材料。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- According to the Israeli government sources, in response to endless Palestinian attacks, Sharon's security cabinet decided to maintain its troops in Palestinian self-rule towns until Palestinian suicide bombings and frenzied shootings come to an end. 根据以色列政府的消息,面对层出不穷巴勒斯坦人的攻击,夏隆安全内阁决定军队将持续驻守在巴人自治区的城镇,直到巴勒斯坦人自杀炸弹和疯狂扫射行径结束为止。
- According to one government source, Sadat was unconscious moments after being wounded. 据政府消息灵通人士说,萨达特受伤后就昏迷不醒。
- A public radio station, quoting government sources, reported that the small cabinet headed by Israeli Prime Minister Sharon has also discussed the possibility of expelling the Palestinian leader Arafat's senior aide instead of Arafat himself. 公共电台引述政府消息人士的报导说,由以色列总理夏隆主持的小内阁也讨论驱逐巴勒斯坦领袖阿拉法特的高级助理,而非阿拉法特本人的可能性。
- It is the oBligation of every citizen to fight against illegal activities in commercial economy, such as BriBery, tax evasion, theft of state property, jerryBuilding and stealing economic information from government sources. 反对行贿、偷税漏税、盗窃国家资材、偷工减料、偷窃国家经济情报等商业经济中的违法行为, 是每一个公民的义务。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。