- The public has come to expect more government services than any previous era. 群众期待政府提供比过去任何时候更多的服务。
- The need for more government services has proved to be the case time and again. 事实多次证明需要更多的政府服务工作。
- The overall level and efficiency of government services will be maintained. 政府服务的整体水平与效率会维持不变
- A man goes to work for the government service. 一个男人去为政府部门工作。
- Then, what is the basis of government service? 然而政府服务的理论基础又是什么呢?
- From the 1920s through the 1940s, Republicans were famously reluctant to support government services. 自上个世纪20年代到40年代,共和党以不愿支持政府职能而著称,
- It's a free government service for all unemployed people. 那是为所有无业人员开设的免费政府机构。
- He was highly placed in the English Government service . 他在英国政府部门任高职。
- The ensemble of central administrative and governmental services in imperial Rome. 中央行政管理部门罗马帝国时期中央行政管理部门
- The money earned from selling state lottery tickets is used to improve state government services. 发放州彩票挣的钱被用来提高州政府的服务水平。
- The politician has now got a footing in the government service. 那位政治家在政府部门中确立了地位。
- Indeed, most services, especially business-related government services, are highly accessible through electronic means. 事实上,在许多情况下,特别是与商业有关的服务,均可透过电子方式进行,极为方便。
- He was highly placed in the English Government service. 他在英国政府部门任高职。
- The provision of government services along with online payment solutions provides a strong customer base for ESD. 提供的政府服务及网上付款方案,也同时为其网上购物平台带来了强大的客户基础。
- He had clean hands during his ten years of government service. 他当官10年,两袖清风。
- The need for more government services has proved to be the case time and again . 事实多次证明,需要更多的政府服务工作。
- With villagers quickly able to voice such concerns digitally, government services have started to improve. 自从居民以数位方式迅速反应问题之后,政府服务已开始有所改善。
- In taking forward the five-day week initiative, our primary consideration is to maintain the overall level and efficiency of government services. 在落实五天工作周的新安排时,维持政府服务的整体水平和效率至为重要。
- Our primary consideration is to maintain the overall level and efficiency of government services within the existing resources. 大前提是在现有资源下维持政府服务的整体水平及效率。
- The quality of government services has been maintained, the public has generally accepted this arrangement and staff feedback is also positive. 政府服务的质素得以维持,市民普遍接受这项安排,以及员工的反应正面。