- Governmental credit anomie include out of credit,credit insufficiency,credit abused,credit crisis,and will lead to government failure. 政府信用失范是政府信用缺失、信用贫困、信用滥用、信用危机的统称,政府信用失范将会造成政府失效乃至政府失败。
- The paper holds that it should depend mainly on prevention.The government credit crisis is a value concept,and the paper doesn't intend to prove whether certain incidents belong to credit cri... 政府信用危机是一个价值概念,本文目的不在于证明某些事件是否构成信用危机,而是试图寻找一种预防机制。
- government credit crisis 政府信用危机
- And so the fuse for a future credit crisis was lit. 于是因此未来信贷危机的导火索被点燃了。
- But the credit crisis may have an effect, nonetheless. 但信贷危机可能会有影响。
- Banks around the world keeled over during the credit crisis. 在信贷危机期间,全世界的银行都出现问题。
- Thus, the financial and credit crisis will likely worsen . 因此,金融和信贷危机可能将会恶化。
- But by accident, the Internet was also an enabler of the current credit crisis. 但是不经意间,同样互联网为目前的信贷危机创造了条件。
- But with the development of society, government's function is being changed constantly, the expansion thereupon of administrative power , and has caused serious government's credit crisis from this. 但随着社会的发展,政府职能不断转变,行政权力也随之扩张,并由此导致了严重的政府信用危机。
- The move showed how precarious sentiment is in the oil markets, as they are buffeted by shifts in other financial markets as the government response to the credit crisis takes multiple twists. 这次的波动显示出原油市场人气不稳定,由于政府应对信贷危机的举措出现了许多转折,其他金融市场的波动打击了原油市场。
- The question of government credit can often be complicated, because it involves the possibility of inflation. 政府信贷的问题往往是很复杂的,因为它涉及到通货膨胀的可能性。
- It was the same worry about subprime mortgage problems spreading to a general credit crisis," said Cohen. 这是同一担心按揭落差问题,蔓延到一般的信贷危机,"科恩说。
- Organic unify of the two aspects form the governing credit. 执政品性与执政能力的有机统一构成执政信用。
- Government credit is always impenetrated among the process of government public administrative activity. 政府信用总是贯穿在政府公共管理活动及其过程之中。
- In an interview, Mr.Profumo conceded that his bank had misjudged the scope of the credit crisis. 普罗富莫在采访中承认,该银行错误估计了信贷危机的程度。
- Government credit has in effect acted as counterparty to a large segment of the financial intermediary system. 政府信贷作为金融媒介系统的一个大部分的确起到一定的作用。
- Stocks plunged over fears that the continuing credit crisis would drag the US economy into a deep recession. 出于害怕持续的信贷危机会进一步拖垮美国经济,股市再次暴跌。
- Companies hunkered down after the credit crisis, taking out bank loans when they could. 在这次信用危机之后公司被洗盘,当时他们能够考虑的是向银行借款。
- There is direct proportion between government credit and political legitimacy, and the former is the fundament of the latter. 政府信用是政治合法性的根基 ,两者是正相关关系。
- The credit crisis behind women's football game reminds us that are China Football and education savable? 女足造假夺冠背后的诚信危机,中国足球与教育还有救吗?