- The great expansion of Russian higher education has been companied with the great cut of government allocation. 摘要转轨以来,俄罗斯高等教育的巨大增长伴随的是政府高等教育拨款的大幅削减。
- The Government allocated money for the memorial. 政府为纪念活动拨了款。
- After 20 centuries 90's, chinese individual commercial housing become blossom as the housing government allocation system turn to market drive purchase system. 20世纪90年代后,中国逐步由政府分配住房的制度转向市场驱动的购房制度,于是,私人商品房建筑业随之兴旺起来。
- The local government allocated a sum of money for the education. 当地政府拨出一笔教育经费。
- In 1996-97, the government allocated $78.4 million to the board. 在一九九六至九七年度,康体发展局获政府拨款7,840万元。
- The fund,set up in August 1996with a government allocation of $8 million and over $5 million in contributions from the community,is managed by the Hong Kong Sports Development Board. 该基金于一九九六年八月成立,由康体发展局管理,款项来自政府所拨出的800万元及市民所提供超过500万元的捐款。
- The fund, set up in August 1996with a government allocation of $8 million and over $5 million in contributions from the community, is managed by the Hong Kong Sports Development Board. 该基金于一九九六年八月成立,由康体发展局管理,款项来自政府所拨出的800万元及市民所提供超过500万元的捐款。
- EC should ban any government allocation of funds, issue of land titles and so on, during campaign period because these are blatantly unfair and unashamedly used by BN at every election. 在这次补选中,若投票结果显示华裔选民的反对票大增或者投票率大减,这将反映马华和民政无法说服华裔选民把票投给巫统候选人,届时两党不仅颜面大失,还必须向国阵作出交待。
- The government allocated funds for the setting up of 100 primary schools. 政府拨款兴建了100所小学。
- The welfare effects of an import quota further depend on how the government allocates the legal rights to import. 进口配额的福利影响还取决于政府怎样分配合法的进口权利。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- To be sure of the success for the sponsorship,the Chinese government allocated special funds for preparations. 为确保大赛的成功举行,中国政府为此专门拨款。
- The city government allocated cash for educates and the police in the age's budget. 市政府在二零零九年的预算中给学府和公安部门分配了资金。
- Now,the central people's government allocates four to five million yuan every year for cultural relic protection in Tibet. 现在,中央人民政府每年对西藏文物保护事业的经费投入达400000万元人民币。
- Now, the Central People's Government allocates four to five million yuan every year for cultural relic protection in Tibet. 现在,中央人民政府每年对西藏文物保护事业的经费投入达400-500万元人民币。
- In 1984,the Central People's Government allocated a large amount of money to build the new Tibet Autonomous Region Archives,with improved functions and modern facilities. 1984年,中央人民政府拨出巨款,新建了功能较为齐全,设施较为现代化的西藏自治区档案馆,极大地改善了档案的管理条件。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府应为他的人民负责。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- In 1994 alone,the government allocated 217 million yuan to be used exclusively for helping students with financial difficulties receive a higher education. 仅1994年,政府就拨出专款2.;17亿元,用于帮助经济困难的大学生接受高等教育。