- government affiliated company 政府下属的公司
- The trade mark mentioned in this webpage is owned by its affiliated company. 本网页内所提及之商标为其所属公司所有。
- Uh guano construction company is an affiliated company of far eastern department store. 华光建筑公司是远东百货公司的附属公司。
- Huaguang Construction Company is an affiliated company of Far Eastern Department Store. 华光建筑公司是远东百货公司的附属公司。
- Suzhou Dongcheng Air Conditioning Engineering Co., Ltd. is its affiliated company. 属下单位有东城冷气工程有限公司。
- One of our affiliated companies is located in Hong Kong. 我们有家关系企业位于香港。
- The connected transaction of the listed company means any transaction conducted by the listed company, the affiliated company and their interested person. 上市公司的关联交易系指上市公司或是其附属公司与其关联人之间所进行的任何交易事项。
- Connected transaction refers to any transaction conducted by the company, the affiliated company of the listed and their interested person. 对关联交易应作广义上的理解,系指公司或附属公司与其关联人之间的任何交易。
- Text: 75% of the equities of Doumen Hong Kong Freight Affiliated Company were transferred to Chu Kong Shipping Enterprises Co., Ltd. by public bidding. 斗门香港货运联营有限公司75%25的股权,通过公开竞价的方式,转让给珠江船务企业有限公司。
- Equity Accounting A method of accounting whereby a corporation will document a portion of the undistributed profits for an affiliated company that they own a position in. 权益会计法一种会计方法,一家企业将其拥有权益的联营公司的利润的一部分记入自身的帐目。
- RAK Gaoyao Ceramic Company is an affiliated company of RAK Ceramics Group. It was set up in Sep.2002, with a total investment capital of 15 million US Dollars. RAK高要陶瓷有限公司建立于二00二年九月,是RAK陶瓷集团的附属公司,总投资额达150百万美元。
- Do you know any person presently employed by our Company or Shun Tak Group and its subsidiaries / affiliated companies? 阁下是否认识亲友/朋友现职于本公司或信德集团及其辖下之附属机构?
- If the Company deems necessary, it may take temporary employees seconded from affiliated companies of the Investor. 如公司认为必要,其可以从投资方的关联公司借调临时雇员。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- "ASW"means each company within the A.S watson group and affiliated companies,who wish to make use of condition. ASW是指想在A.;S沃森集团及其附属公司里好好利用其优势条件的各家公司。
- Through its affiliated company,the Hong Kong Pumped Storage Development Company Limited,CLP has bought the right to use 50 per cent of the capacity of the Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station,at Conghua. 中电透过其联营公司,即香港抽水蓄能发展有限公司,购入从化的广州抽水蓄能电站一半发电量的使用权。
- Aplix may transfer and use jointly Visitors'Personal Information within Aplix affiliated companies and divisions. Aplix可与其子公司和部门之间交换和共同使用访问者个人信息。
- The company does not qualify for a government grant. 这家公司没有资格要求政府补助金。
- Lane Affiliated Companies is the eighth largest Pepsi bottler in the United States. 巷集团公司是美国第八大百事可乐装瓶商。
- Positive performance comes mainly from M&A between affiliated companies but not the disaffiliated ones. 摘要上市公司并购效应的体现主要来自于关联并购,市场化的非关联并购效应不明显。