- government affairs outside net 政务外网
- The minister was busy with the government affairs all day. 部长整天忙于政务。
- The Handling of the Government Affairs in the Information Age-E-gov. 信息时代的政务处理-电子政务。
- Will Chinese Market of Electronic Government Affair Boost in the Near Future? 电子政务的春天还远吗?
- We should conscientiously implement the system of making government affairs known to the public. 认真推行政务公开制度。
- The bank spent even more, it won't say how much, to sponsor a carnival-like affair outside the stadium, called The NFL Experience. 银行花了更多的钱,他们不会说有多少,赞助体育场外的狂欢活动,叫做“NFL体验”。
- Comes female ACBDE to call self is slowly the inferior outside net moderator, welcome you to come on the sea overlord net to reveal shortcomings. 姗姗来雌的ACBDE自称是劣等外网的版主,欢迎你来海霸王网上献丑.
- Chinese people, no matter what job they have, are all concerned about important government affairs. 中国的老百姓,不论是做什麽工作的,都很关心国家大事。
- Big companies have government affairs departments but for small groups the cost of access is prohibitive. 大公司设有政府事务部,但对小公司而言,进入的代价非常昂贵。
- Gongkai, female, anchorman of English Video Program of Shenyang Government Affairs Publication Office. 公开,女,沈阳市政务公开工作办公室英语节目主持人。
- Network information safety is one of crucial issus in the electronic construction of government affairs. 摘要网络信息安全问题是电子政务建设中的关键性问题之一。
- The audience hall used to be the place for the emperors to discuss government affairs. 这座大殿原来是皇上议政的地方。
- The policy agenda guides OIA's government affairs work for the year in the legislative and policy development process. 此项议程主要针对2008年的协会立法和政策制定的有关事宜。
- Face the market of electronic government affairs of like a raging fire, such saying perhaps not exaggerative. 面对如火如荼的电子政务市场,这样说也许一点都不夸张。
- These to " in close general electron government affairs to use a system " (for CenEG) , had been cole dishful. 这些对于“中关通用电子政务应用系统”(CenEG)来说,已经是小菜一碟。
- LobbyChina is a research blog about lobbying and government affairs, written by Daniel Wu. 游说中国,一个研究中国游说政治。政府公关的博客。
- He is assiduous in government affairs, loves the people, and has made a lot of achievements. 他为官勤政爱民,取得了许多成绩。
- Occupied with government affairs, with thousands of concubines around, indulged in xxx, no time for other things! 寡人:日理万机,妻妾无数,日夜纵乐,无暇参与
- We should make government affairs public and strengthen democratic administration and supervision by society so that the people can fully supervise the government. 实行政务公开,加强民主管理和社会监督,充分发挥人民对政府的监督作用。
- electronic government affair net 电子政务网