- Today, many countries, rich and poor, stand fordemocratization, human rights and good governance and are ready to condemn regimessuch as Myanmar that routinely flout those ideals. 现在,很多国家无论富裕还是贫穷,都会为了民主、人权和善政挺身而出,积极谴责像缅甸这类一向轻视其理想的政权。
- In this article, based on the conceptual framework of Governance and Good Governance, the author gives a detailed analysis of functional fields and mechanism of the chinese charily sectors. 摘要文章以治理和善治的理论视角作为切入点,详细描述和分析了现阶段中国慈善组织的行动方式和活动领域。
- Good governance, good management practice and good administration are about ensuring that maximum efficiency is applied in delivering government and other services to our people. 所谓良好管治、管理和行政,不外乎确保政府及其他服务能最有效地提供给我国人民。
- According to theories of social contract, people's sovereignty, governance and good governance and the theory of new public service, responsible government becomes a necessary choice of governance. 摘要依照社会契约论、人民主权论、治理与善治理论以及新公共服务理论,责任政府成为一种必需的政府治理选择。
- Dewei every day and good governance are all good pharmacies parity. 摘要:谁知道北京最大的平价药品超市在哪?
- Strong Government and Good Government of Singapore 新加坡强政府与好政府
- A year of plenty; omen of good government and good official 麦秀两歧
- governance and good governance 治理与善治
- Clean clothes and good manners are prepossessing. 清洁的衣服和良好的举止能给人以好感。
- Good governance and the value of incorruptibility are taught in our Civil Service training institute. 新加坡公务员训练学院必备的课程之一,是良好管治之道与廉洁的价值观。
- The mission of the AGI is to maximise the use of GI for the benefit of the citizen, good governance and commerce. 它的宗旨是为普通用户、政府部门和商业机构提供有用的地理信息服务。
- Today,after decades of good governance and struggle,Singapore is a thriving nation with the world's fourth highest per capita income. 今天,经过三四十年的良好管理和奋斗,新加坡已经成为一个繁荣的国家。新加坡公民的人均国内生产总值在世界上排名第四位。
- The Relationship among Chinese Government, Market and Society in the Visual Field of the Theory of Governance and Good Governance 治理善治理论视野中的我国政府与市场、社会的关系
- The framework seeks to reduce poverty through three core areas of sustainable economic growth, inclusive social development and good governance. 这套方案旨在通过三个核心范畴去减少贫穷:支持经济持续增长,社会整体发展与良好的管治。
- We all have an interest in embedding good governance and the rule of law around the developing world and in the markets where we want to invest. 我们都希望我们投资的发展中国家与市场均拥有良好的治理与法治。
- You should imitate great and good people. 你应仿效伟大善良的人。
- He is possessed of health, wealth and good sense. 他身体好,有钱,又有见识。
- Scowcroft, Eagleburger and Schlesinger agreed that the path to a stable and secure Afghanistan lies through economic development, good governance and the rule of law. 斯考克罗夫特、伊格尔伯格和施莱辛格都同意,阿富汗通往稳定和安全的道路依赖经济发展,良好的管理,以及法治。
- A warm house and good food are material comforts. 温暖的家和佳肴都是物质享受。
- Secretary Clinton met with President Dos Santos in Luanda where she said Angola's continued economic growth depends on good governance and strong democratic institutions. 克林顿国务卿在罗安达会晤安哥拉总统多斯桑托斯时说,安哥拉经济的持续发展依赖于施政有方和强有力的民主制度。