- If good men were to govern a country for a hundred years, they could overcome cruelty and do away with killing. How true this saying is! 善人为邦百年,亦可以胜残去杀矣。诚哉是言也!
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
- Confucianists considered using natural resources limitedly the good ways of how to govern a country, and protecting nature as content of moral education. 儒家将有节制地利用自然资源视为治国安邦之方略,把珍爱自然天物作为道德教育之内容。这是原始儒学馈赠给现代人的精神财富。
- China is a country rich in crude oil. 中国是一个原油丰富的国家。
- The moral consciousness of a country. 一个国家的道德观念。
- We should persevere with the fight against corruption, one of the fundamental principles for governing a country. 反腐败斗争关系国本, 一定要长抓不懈。
- Law and order is vital to a country. 法律和秩序对一个国家很重要。
- govern a country by legal system 依法治国
- She mocked him as a country boy. 她嘲笑他是乡巴佬。
- govern a country by the constitution 依宪治国
- We must respect the laws of a country we are in. 我们必须遵守所在国家的法律。
- A country's sinews are its roads and railways. 公路和铁路是国家的命脉。
- Person who govern a state or province. 管辖一个州或省的人。
- Lived in a barn of a country house. 住在一个空荡荡的农屋里
- A man, who can govern a woman can govern a nation. 能够管理好女人的男人能够管理好一个国家。
- A rustic cottage; a country retreat. 村舍村舍; 乡间休养地
- A country life of arcadian contentment. 田园般满足的乡村生活
- An official appointed to govern a colony or territory. 总督被任命管辖一个殖民地或领地的官员
- Canals and rivers form the inland waterways of a country. 运河和河流构成一个国家的内陆航道。
- Quite. China is a country with a splendid catering culture. 没错,中国是个饮食文化非常丰富的国家。