- He had to lay up his legs till they got well. 他得在睡椅上伸展两腿,一直到放好位置为止。
- I am glad to know that you have got well. 欣悉你已康复。
- Take it easy. You'll get well soon. 别担心,你很快就会好的。
- I trust your wife will soon get well. 我相信你太太不久就会痊愈的。
- The girl got well ahead of the rest of the class in painting. 这个女孩子在绘画方面远远胜过班上其他的同学。
- Give the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. 如果照样再给他治疗一次,他肯定会痊愈。
- Given the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. 如果照样再给他治疗一次,他肯定会痊愈。
- Don't be too down-hearted; things will get better. 别那麽垂头丧气,事情会好起来的。
- The weather is bound to get better tomorrow. 明天天气一定会变好。
- They naively assume things can only get better. 他们天真地以为情况只会变好。
- She believed that her husband would soon get well. 她相信她的丈夫不久会康复。
- She'll get better one day, please God. 她总有一天会好起来的,愿上帝开恩。
- How long will it take before I get well? 我还需要多长时间才能复原?
- I have a fancy that he will get well. 我觉得他(的病)会好过来。
- Her pale face suggests that she hasn't got well. 她苍白的脸色表明她还没有痊愈。
- In the course of a week, my mother got well. 我母亲在一周内康复了。
- Jack went to schoolas soon ashe got well. 杰克病一好就去上学了。
- At the new school he'll have room to get better at English. 在新学校里,他的英语水平有可能会提高。
- Your work is getting better and better. 你干得越来越好了。
- Our living conditions are getting better each year. 我们的生活条件一年比一年强。