- I got to my feet, trembling as I thawed. 身上的血流动了,我战战兢兢地爬起来。
- I got to my feet, still connected to my silken rag. 草的清香扑面而来,我看到我手上的泥。
- Slowly , I got to my feet and went higher up the shore . 慢慢地我站起来,走到高外的岸上。
- I shall get to my feet, button on my coat, and go to the store. 我要站起来,穿好衣服去商店。
- The phone call brought me to my feet. 电话声让我站起来。
- So that day, I was caught in rain for all a day, the half part of my body was all wet, especially my feet, had been numb because of cold, but in my brain, what I only wanted was to go ahead, if I continued to go, I would definitely get to my destination. 结果那天我淋了一天的雨,下身全湿了,尤其是脚,冻得麻木了没有感觉了,但我脑海里只是想着不断向前,我知道只要我一直骑下去,我一定能到达目的地。
- What he said is a lamp to my feet. 他的话给我指明了前进的方向。
- I was so tired I could hardly stagger to my feet . 我太累了,摇摇晃晃的都站不稳了。
- I was so tired I could hardly stagger to my feet. 我太累了,摇摇晃晃的都站不稳了。
- When I got to my house,my father had driven away. 我到家时,我父亲已开车走了。
- I leapt to my feet(= stood up quickly). 我赶紧站了起来。
- Ve got to go back to my desk and send some e-mail. 我需要回到我座位那发些电子邮件。
- He pulled me to my feet, still gripping my neck. 他一手捏着我脖子把我提溜下床;
- When I got to my house, my father had driven away. 我到家时,我父亲已开车走了。
- I'll draw you a map of how to get to my house. 我给你画一张到我家的路线图。
- Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path! 你的话是我脚前的灯,路上的光!
- Several things led up to my getting to know Ted. 有几件事使我逐渐认识了铁德。
- Maggie: But you are doing fine. Besides I got to change the bandages on my feet. 麦琪:宝贝你跳的不错了,再说,我脚上的橡皮膏也得换了。
- I rose groggily to my feet and faced the impossible once more. 我踉踉跄跄地站起身来又一次面对那无法思议的行程。
- When I got to my locker, guilt had begun to sink in. 当我走到我的储物柜时,负罪感已经开始产生了。