- goshawk beak and talons 鹰嘴爪
- A duck has a yellow beak and webbed feet. 鸭子有黄色的鸭嘴和长蹼的双脚。
- And none fluttered a wing, Or opened a beak and chirped. 没有动翅膀的,没有张嘴的,也没有鸣叫的。
- The hawk was trained to attack with its beak and claws. 那只鹰被训练用它的喙和爪子攻击。
- We will talk more about the parts of an owl (such as beak, wings, feathers, and talons) next week. 下一棵将讨论猫头鹰的各个部位,比如猫头鹰的喙、翅膀、羽毛和爪子。
- The Formosan crested goshawk, like other birds of prey, knows that despite being blessed with a sharp beak and claws, it still faces pressure to its existence. 凤头苍鹰像其他鹰一样,上天虽赋与它锐利的喙爪,它仍需面对生存的压力。
- One of several loathsome,voracious monsters with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail,wings,and talons of a bird. 鸟身女怪有着女人的头和躯干以及鸟的尾巴、翅膀和爪子的可厌的、贪婪的魔怪
- Each round, elongated seedpod has a short beak and contains many seeds. 长每一长圆形的角果有短喙,含多粒种子。
- One of several loathsome, voracious monsters with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail, wings, and talons of a bird. 鸟身女怪有着女人的头和躯干以及鸟的尾巴、翅膀和爪子的可厌的、贪婪的魔怪
- One of them noticed the swallow with the ruby in his beak and pointed it out to the others. 其中一个孩子注意到燕子的嘴里衔着红宝石,便指着它给其它孩子们看。
- A creature that was built _de novo_ might possibly be a much more benign entity than one with a kernel based on fang and talon. 因此一个完全凭空建造的造物很可能比这些核心是狼牙与兽爪的人类要仁慈和蔼得多。
- The little black birds have large, brightly striped beaks and innocent eyes. 这种小黑鸟有着天真烂漫的眼睛和鲜艳且带条纹的大嘴。
- The big eyes, sharp beak and the attitude of the eagle make it appear awe-inspiring, wild and intractable. 配上鹰头部的大眼、利喙,使这只鹰显得威风凛凛,桀骜雄猛的气势。
- Kiwi is the symbol bird of the island country, which is a nocturnal bird and it has a long beak and wingless. 无翼鸟是岛国的象征,是一种昼伏夜出的而且有一个长长的鸟嘴以及没有翅膀的鸟。
- Garuda is depicted as having a golden body, white face, red wings, and an eagle's beak and wings but a man's body. 揭路荼被描绘成拥有金色的身体,白色的脸,红翅膀,还有鹰的嘴和翼,但拥有人的身体。
- The Pelican is shown stabbing its breast with its beak and nourishing its young with its own blood. 鹈鹕表现为用鸟嘴去刺穿它的乳房,用血去哺育年轻的一代。
- Vicious predators found in the grasslands of Maridun, mastif phalones resemble well-muscled quadrupeds with turkey-like heads, sharp claws and talons, and a patchy fringe of feathers. 法洛恩鹰獒是马里登草原上凶恶的猛兽。这种四足动物肌肉发达,有火鸡般的脑袋、锋利的爪子和覆盖不完全的羽毛。
- One day the animal hospita where I worked, an owner brought a parrot in to have its beak and wings teimmed. 有一天,在我供职的动物诊所,客户带来一只鹦鹉,它的嘴和翅膀(受伤)了。
- Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease is considered fatal and often birds die shortly after showing signs of it. 鹦鹉喙羽病是致命的,鸟类经常会在发病的短时间内死去。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。