- He is such a good egg that everyone liked him. 他是一个大好人,个个都喜欢他。
- Charles is a good egg; he will always find time to make up a fourth at bridge. 查尔斯很讨人喜欢,他总是愿意抽出时间成为桥牌的第四个搭挡。
- Not a single man can be called a good egg. 男人没有一个好东西。
- In soap opera,one with high diploma often is not be a good egg. 电视剧中的高学历者往往不是什么好人。
- Tom is such a good egg that everybody wants to be his friends. 汤姆是个好人;大家都愿意同他交朋友.
- We take them out in order to prevent any bad things happing to the good eggs. 我们剔除它们是为了防止任何坏的情况在好的卵上发生。
- Go and get me some good eggs. 去给我买些新鲜鸡蛋来。
- Oh,good egg! I was beginning to think it would have to be roast chicken again. 喔,好极了,我正想该再做了烤鸡吃吃了。
- He is a good egg; I'm sure you will like him once you get to know him. 他是个好人, 如果你跟他混熟了, 肯定会喜欢他。
- Oh, good egg! I was beginning to think it would have to be roast chicken again. 喔,好极了,我正想该再做了烤鸡吃吃了。
- He's a good egg. 他是个好人。
- You can test eggs by putting them in water; a good egg will sink while a bad egg will rise to the surface. 鸡蛋放入水中就可检验鸡蛋的好坏,好鸡蛋会沉入水底,而坏鸡蛋则会漂浮到水面上。
- To my knowledge, they are for the eggs, not for the meat. Take the good eggs for turkey chicks next spring. 一问之下;原来这些火鸡不是肉用;而是蛋用的.;明春牠们生的蛋做种蛋;孵小火鸡
- Data of good egg production line of Jinshui Silky fowl were analyzed by Harvey and SAS programs. 用Harvey和SAS软件对金水乌鸡高产蛋系的部分资料进行了遗传分析。
- I like sporting, making friends and all niceness, so I have hard teeth, a good appetite, a strong body, In a word, I'm a good egg. 热情、随和,喜欢运动、交友和一切美好的事物,所以我牙好、胃口好、身体好、精神好,总的来说就是人好。
- A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." -- Bernard Meltzer. 跑题了,哈哈,我喜欢。明天还要参加毅行医疗队,虽然忙碌,虽然对未来还是有点迷茫,但是这样的日子真的还不错。恩,拽回来,贴点从上面那个网页上看到的好句子:
- I swan, that's a good egg. 我敢担保,那是个好人。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A stunt man needs to have a good guardian angel. 当特技替身演员的得有个守护天使来保佑。
- He sometimes lapses from good behavior. 他有时候会行为失检。