- He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace. 他很大方地承认自己错了。
- She entertained him with good grace. 她欣然款待他。
- She entertained him with a good grace. 她欣然款待他。
- He accepted defeat with a good grace. 他服服贴贴地认了罪。
- You must learn to accept defeat with good grace. 你必须学会欣然承认失败。
- He accepted the job with a good grace. 他欣然的接受了这项工作。
- I wonder if I am in the good graces of the teacher. 我不知道是否讨老师的喜欢。
- She took on the extra work with good grace. 她毫无怨言地承担了额外的工作。
- I'm not in her good graces at the moment. 我此刻尚未讨得她的欢心。
- He was in his employer's good graces. 他深得雇主的赏识。
- The semi-drunk accepted his defeat with a good grace. 半醉汉心甘情愿地认输了。
- There are so few who can grow old with a good grace(Richard Steele. 很少有人年愈古稀仍有风采(理查德 斯梯尔)。
- Mrs. Norris was too much vexed to submit with a good grace. 诺利斯太太非常气恼,不肯好声好气地认输。
- My mentor accepted my invitation to dinner with good grace. 我的导师愉快地接受了我请他吃饭的邀请。
- The boys had been well-coached; they look the loss of the game with good grace. 那些男孩受过良好的训练,他们输了球但不失风度。
- So I cast about for some means whereby I might surrender with a good grace. 所以我想方设法好“体面”地下台
- The crown came out of the housewife's pocket with a very good grace. 那块金币从主妇的口袋里自觉自愿地跑了出来。
- Its quality Being guaranteed, the product is in the consumers' good grace. 本产品以品质保证赢得消费者的青睐。
- I must keep in the old man's good graces. 我一定得保持这位老人对我的好感。
- If Communism is beaten,we Communists will admit defeat in good grace. 谁把共产主义比输了,我们共产党人自认晦气。