- Golden week of May Day Holiday 五一黄金周可以这样说
- golden week of May Day “五一”黄金周
- The May Day Holiday brought in a golden week for the local tourist industry. 五一长假为本地旅游业带来一个黄金周。
- No one shall buy meat in the first week of May. 五月的第一个星期请大家不要购买任何肉品。
- The State Council yesterday urged local governments to stick to the three-day May Day holiday plan, destroying hopes of a return to the golden week to spur the economy. 国务院昨天要求各地政府遵循之前制定的五一休假制度,也因此打破了很多地方政府希望能恢复五一黄金周以刺激经济的计划。
- This research used a non-invasive method to monitor the affects of tourist disturbance on two giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in the Beijing Zoo during the May Day Golden Week. 中文摘要:通过非损伤性手段,监测了五一黄金周期间北京动物园一雌一雄两只圈养大熊猫粪样中的皮质醇水平变化。
- "May Day" Golden Week reminder hot South China real estate “五一”黄金周催热华南房地产
- The above is off-season rate, the price is discussed separately in golden week of busy season. 注:以上为淡季价格,旺季黄金周价格另议。
- Mom called me at the dorm one muggy evening during the last week of May. 五月最后一个星期一个闷热的晚上,母亲打电话到我宿舍来,
- The celebration of May Day. 五朔节的欢庆活动
- As times went by,we embraced the day of May Day,my big day.I met my love as expected,flying in ecstacy. 任何媒体、网站或个人未经本网协议授权不得转载、链接、转贴或以其他方式复制发表。
- "It's the equivalent to a frost in the second or third week of May," Pauly said."That's the bright side. 保利说:“这是相当于5月的第二或第三周的霜冻,这是光明的一面。”
- Workers of the zoo said that visitors to the zoo would probably see young swans during the period of May Day. 动物园的工作人员说,游客在"五一"节情感连续剧期间就可能见到小天鹅了。
- We trust you may secure some of the exceptional values from among what we shall offer you during the week of May 1 - 7,1999. 相信本公司1999年5月1日至7日的一周期间内供应的货物定能使您得到意外的收获。
- Wish you a happy May Day! Please pay the rent and incidental fees of the month of May at Yuyuan's Cashier. We appreciate your cooperation. 祝您五一国际劳动节快乐!因5月“五一”七天长假,请您于4月30日之前将5月份的房租及杂费交至雨园前台收银处。谢谢您配合我们的工作。
- During the first week of May! Went on a holiday to Sichuan. First, found some photos of interesting places which were not too far away from Chengdu. 五月的第一周中我去四川度假。最初,我发现了一些离成都不远的有趣地方的照片。
- E3 was previously held in the third week of May of each year at the Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC) in Los Angeles. E3一般在每年的5月的第三周在美国洛杉矶的洛杉矶会展中心举办。
- I'd like to fly to Glasgow on the fifth of May. 我想5月5日飞往格拉斯哥。
- Opening ceremony and the Golden Week of National Day (30 Yuan for the ticket) 一、开幕式及十一黄金周场次(票价30元)
- His latest record was a smash hit within a week of being released. 他最近的一张唱片发行一个星期就非常受人欢迎。