- gold ore regionalization 金成矿区划
- An area containing abundant deposits of gold or gold ore. 金矿区蕴藏大量黄金或金矿的地区
- Gold ore main type is auriferous quartz vein type. 金矿床主要为含金硫化物石英脉型。
- Gold ore bodies formed by every pulse and mant... 为本区的地质找矿提供了一个明显的找矿标志。
- A deposit of gold ore in an old riverbed. 富金砂矿古河床里的金砂矿床
- Through studying the known gold ore spots in Yanggao region,the source of ore forming material,genetic types and controlling factors of different level faults are indicated. 通过对阳高地区已知金矿点的研究,指出该区金矿的物质来源、成因类型以及不同级别断裂对金矿形成的控制作用。
- A bronze vein will give gold ore, a verite vein will give valorite and so on. 举例来说,青铜矿脉可以挖出金矿,而绿矿脉 可以挖出蓝矿。
- Gold ore occurs within the spilite tectonccla-stic belt and bears a close relation to altered pyrite. 金矿化产于细碧岩构造破碎带内,与蚀变黄铁矿关系最为密切。
- On the Relation between Alteration of Surrounding Rock and Gold Mineralization in the Xinchen Gold Ore Deposit. 浅谈新城金矿床围岩蚀变与金矿化的关系
- The main useful constituents of the deposit are Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag associated with Sn, In, Ga and Cd, etc. Lead isotopic composition of the ore is different from those of the ore hosted Hercynian granite and the Yanshaniangranite outside the ore region. 矿床主要有用组分为Pb、Zn、Cu、Ag,含Sn富In、Ga、Cd等分散元素,为一典型的多元素共生的多金属矿床。
- The red clay gold ore is the gold ore new form which the recent years discovered. 红色黏土型金矿是近年来发现的金矿新类型。
- But they sold high-grade resources to big investors and stopped prospecting, leaving low-grade gold ore unused. 他们常常把高品位的资源卖给大投资商,却置低品位的金矿石而不顾,让它荒弃掉。
- Typical application: gold ore, alumina ore, superfine coal ore, copper ore, nickel ore and kinds of building ore etc. 典型的矿产品有:黄金矿石、氧化铝矿石、火电发电用超细煤矿石、铜矿石、镍矿石、各类建筑材料用矿石等.
- Independent gold ore deposit mainly consists of alluvial and diluvial,slope wash sandstone and bibbley rock. 独立金矿床以冲洪积、坡残积砂金矿及砾岩型金矿为主;
- Gold ore deposits camps occuring in central Fujian province constitute the Dehua Youxi Yongtai golden triangle area. 闽中地区德化、尤溪、永泰一带发现的金矿点构成福建金矿成矿金三角。
- The choice of gold ore sample preparation flow will directly influence the assay quality. 金矿样品加工制备流程的选择会直接影响化验分析质量。
- Reasons hard to leach for refractory gold ore are analyzed.Pretreatment by oxidation method can obtain good results. 分析难处理金矿难浸的原因,指出该类金矿浸出前必须进行预先氧化,才能取得理想的浸出效果。
- The new type of gold ore deposits is similar to Carlin type gold deposits,but it has also self consistent features. 该类型金矿床与卡林型金矿有若干相似之处,但又具有自己的独特特征,可称之为元古宙沉积岩型金矿床。
- The microclastic rock of host strata furnishes gold ore deposition with an advantageous environments. 构造是本区主要的控矿因素,亦是金矿形成的主要成矿作用;
- The Liba gold deposit in Gansu province is one of the classic gigantic gold ore fields in middle Qingling fold zone. 甘肃李坝金矿是中秦岭褶皱带上一个典型的特大型金矿田,研究其区域和矿区的地球物理特征,对寻找该类矿床具有十分重要的意义。