- In Asia, even the most ordinary people have to buy gold assets. 在亚洲地区,即便是最普通的人家也懂得买金保值。
- Through the injection of gold assets in gold, with gold mining辰州gold tends to homogenization. 通过注入中金黄金资产,辰州矿业与中金黄金趋于同质化。
- The fund continues to undersell the gold assets and US dollar exchange rate rises, causes the precious metal forward price third day to decline continuously. 基金持续抛售黄金资产和美元汇率走高,造成贵金属期货价格连续第三天走低。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- The gold was glinting in the sunlight. 金子在阳光下闪闪发光。
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。
- He summed up his assets and liabilities. 他计算出他的资产和负债总和。
- He included some bad debts among his assets. 他把一些呆账也算在他的财产中。
- The company's assets were being sold. 公司的财产正在出让。
- A reliable car is worth its weight in gold. 靠得住的汽车就是无价之宝。
- The bank has assets of over five million pounds. 这家银行有五百万英镑以上的资产。
- She has a gold chain about her neck. 她在脖子的周围挂着一根金项链。
- It possessed rich mineral deposits, including gold. 它拥有丰富的矿藏,包括黄金。
- Gold prices on Western markets jumped. 西方市场上的黄金价格暴涨。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那个国家好久之前就放弃金本位制了。
- If your liabilities exceed your assets, you may go bankrupt. 如果你所负的债超过你的资产,你就会破产。
- The thing of luminescence is not sure all gold. 发光的东西未必都是黄金。
- Jack was decorated with a gold medal. 杰克被授予金质奖章。
- The country's main products are gold and cocoa. 这个国家的主要产品是可可和黄金。
- The general's uniform was trimmed with gold braid. 将官的制服饰有金色的穗带。