- Drug pushing usually goes hand in hand with other forms of organized crime. 贩毒常常同其它有组织的犯罪形式密切相关。
- Prejudice goes hand in hand with ignorance. 愚昧无知必生偏见。
- Prosperity goes hand in hand with investment. 繁荣和投资结伴而行。
- Bigotry goes hand in hand with intolerance. 愚顽与偏执相伴而来。
- Theory should go hand in hand with practice. 理论应与实际结合。
- We must go hand in hand with time. 我们必须与时俱进。
- Practice should go hand in hand with theory. 理论应与实践相结合。
- Dorset people go hand in hand with you. 赛特人与你携手并进。
- Selfishness often goes hand in hand with unhappiness. 自私常常引起苦恼。
- Money does not always go hand in hand with happiness. 金钱并不是和幸福紧密相连。
- Money doesn't always go hand in hand with happiness. 金钱并不总是同幸福密切相关。
- Production must go hand in hand with technological improvement. 生产要与技术改造同时进行。
- Determination went hand in hand with doggedness. 意思是:决心手拉手与顽固状态匹配。
- Fisher could be a jackass ? it went hand in hand with his size. 这个蠢驴-蠢的和他的型号成正比。
- His talent for writing goes hand in hand with his love of literature. 他的写作天才与他对文学的喜爱密切相关。
- Unless it goes hand in hand with science, democracy will have no future. 民主只有和科学携手共进,才能有未来。
- Industrial progress should go hand in hand with the development of agriculture. 工业的发展同农业的发展密切相关。
- Press freedom, of course, goes hand in hand with political crisis," said Keita. 当然,新闻自由和政治危机息息相关。”
- Their smugness goes hand in hand with their civil servant mentality. 法国人头脑中深植着自己是社会公仆的概念,这更加助长了法国人对经济衰退的无动于衷与隔岸观火的态度。
- The development of agriculture should go hand in hand with that of industry. 工业和农业应共同发展。