- god with human pattern 人格神
- Should I write 'god' with a small 'g' or a capital? god 里面的字母 g,我该写成小写还是大写?
- This book deals with human weakness. 这本书论述的是人类的弱点。
- Saving faith is grasping God with the heart. 救赎的信心就是全心全意紧抓住上帝。
- We triumph over each other with human frailty. 我们以人类的弱点彼此去战胜对方。
- We should treat people and animals with humanity. 我们应该仁慈地对待人和动物。
- Narendra says that God with form is a mere idol. 纳兰德说有形的神是一种纯粹的偶像崇拜。
- Endowed the family pet with human intelligence. 想象赋予家庭宠物以人的智慧
- Janus was a strange god with two faces. 所以一定要留下点什么。说明自己还在。
- Can one ever know God with such a mind as this? 人究竟能够用这样一种头脑来了解神吗?
- He treated the prisoners with humanity. 他人道地对待俘虏。
- He has difficulty with human relations. 他的人际关系不好。
- Endowedthe family pet with human intelligence. 想象赋予家庭宠物以人的智慧。
- The room was close with human breath. 室中气闷
- Chitin has a tight connection with human life. 甲壳素与人类的生命有着密切的关系。
- God with a big G has never visited this planet as an entity. 以大写G的上帝从来没有以实体形式拜访过这个行星。
- We triumph over each other with human frailty . 我们以人类的弱点彼此去战胜对方。
- With human rights, nobody should be railroaded. (鑑于人权,不可待人不公平。)
- We must be in accordance with human ethics. 我们必须遵循人类的道德规范。
- So Jehovah alone led him, And there was no strange god with Him. 这样,耶和华独自引导他,并无外邦神与祂在一起。