- He gave a description of what he had seen. 他描述了他所见到的一切。
- He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal. 他用肩膀挡开防守队员後射门。
- The last goal evened up the score. 最后一球把比分拉平了。
- The West Lake was beautiful beyond description. 西湖美得难以描述。
- This girl gave a vivid description of the event. 那女孩对这件事作了一番生动的描述。
- The ball glanced off the goal post into the net. 球撞到球门柱上斜飞入网。
- They finally cracked the defence and scored a goal. 他们终於突破了防守,射进一球。
- The beautiful scenery baffles description. 这美丽的景色难以形容。
- Her matchless beauty is beyond description. 她那旷世无双的美貌无法形容。
- The footballer took a strike at the goal. 那个足球队员飞脚射门。
- Her description of the meeting is an exact reproduction of the reunion. 她对会面的描述是这次团聚的真实再现。
- The goal in soccer, hockey, and lacrosse. 球门足球、曲棍球和长曲棍球的球门
- That's the twentieth goal he's kicked this season. 这是他本赛季踢进的第二十个球。
- The beauty of the sunrise is beyond description. 日出的美景难以描述。
- The scenery was beautiful beyond description. 那风景美丽得难以形容。
- You'd better set a goal before you start the drill. 练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。
- He kicked a penalty goal in the football match. 在这场足球赛中,他主罚,踢进了一个球。
- Space lacks for a detailed description of it. 篇幅有限,不能对此详加描述。
- In the zoo there are animals of every description. 那个动物园里有各种各样的动物。
- Their second goal was a real gift. 他们得的第二分真是易如反掌。