- Saw all her plans go down the tubes. 看到她所有的计划付之东流
- She cry when she see all her plan go down the tube. 看到她一切的计划全都失败了,她哭了。
- She cried when she saw all her plan go down the tube. 看到她一切的计划全都失败了,她哭了。
- She cried when she saw all her plans go down the tubes. 看到她一切的计划全都失败了,她哭了。
- She cried when she saw all her plans went down the tube. 看到她一切的计划全都失败了,她哭了。
- Please go down the ladder and chuck up my hat. 请下梯子把我的帽子扔上来。
- The education system is going down the tubes. 这种教育体系就要垮台了。
- Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights. 沿路前行直至有交通灯处。
- Riccardo could see that we were going down the tube in a hurry unless something happened soon. 里卡多能够看出,除非迅速出现转化,我们很快要遭到灭顶之灾。
- See? Right about yesterday your popularity went down the tubes. 看到了吧?就在昨天你的人气指数直线下降。
- Instead, you should talk to this man whom you used to like and respect, and tell him just how you feel (omitting the bit about hoping his company will end up going down the tube). 相反,你该跟这个你平常爱戴和尊敬的人谈谈,告诉他你真正的感受(省略希望他的公司将会完蛋的那一部分。)
- I've just seen them going down the road arm in arm. 我刚看到他们臂挽着臂沿着这条道走去。
- Go down the road till you reach the traffic light. 沿路前行直至有交通灯处。
- Go down the corridor and he is there. 沿着走廊走过去,他就在那里。
- Due to all the reasons hereinbefore, corporation cannot avoid the risk of losing direct distributors, agencies and market, the impact of which will make customers' large investment go down the tubes. 由于以上种种问题,企业将不可避免失去直销商、分销商及产品市场的危险,因此所带来的严重亏损会使企业客户的巨大投资付之东流。
- A single mistake and all that time and money would go down the drain. 只要发生一个错误,全部的时间和金钱就将尽付东流。
- Due to allhe reasons hereinbefore, corporation cannot avoid the risk of losing direct distributors, agencies and market, the impact of which will make u customers' large investment go down the tubes. 由于以上种种问题,企业将不可避免失去直销商、分销商及产品市场的危险,因此所带来的严重亏损会使企业客户的巨大投资付之东流。
- Due to all the reasons hereinbefore,corporation cannot avoid the risk of losing irect distributors, agencies and market, thegimpact ofr which will make customers' large investment go down the tubes. 由于以上种种问题,企业将不可避免失去直销商、分销商及产品市场的危险,因此所带来的严重亏损会使企业客户的巨大投资付之东流。
- Du-e to all the reasons hereinbefore, corporation cannot avoid the risk of losing direct distributors, agenciesh nd market,he impact of which will make customers' large investment go down the tubes. 由于以上种种问题,企业将不可避免失去直销商、分销商及产品市场的危险,因此所带来的严重亏损会使企业客户的巨大投资付之东流。
- I'll climb up on the roof and go down the chimney. 我将爬上屋顶,从烟囱中下去。