- The boys have decided to go camping next week. 男孩子们已决定下个星期去露营。
- Her latest flight of fancy is to go camping in the Sahara desert! 她最近心血来潮想到撒哈拉沙漠去野营!
- The childe love sleeping out in tents when we go camping. 野营时,孩子们喜欢露宿帐篷之中。
- The boys went camping in Greece last year. 那些男孩子去年到希腊去露营度假。
- Would you like to go camping next Sunday ? 你下个礼拜天想不想参加露营?
- If you go camping you will have to rough it . 如果你去野营,你就要过简陋的生活。
- Mother stepped in and forbade me to go camping. 母亲干涉我,不准我去野营。
- Father stepin and forbade me to go camping. 父亲出面干预,不准我去露营。
- Weather permitting, we'll go camping. 如果天气好,我们就去野营。
- Every summer we go camping in the mountains. 每年夏天我们都在山里露营。
- I'll see if I can go camping with you. 我要考虑考虑能否和你去野营。
- If you go camping you sleep in tent. 人们去野营的时候睡在帐篷里。
- They go camping in France every year. 他们每年去法国野营。
- Where do you want to go camping? 你想去哪里露营?
- Whether we will go camping depends on the weather. 我们是否去野营取决于天气情况。
- A: Tom advised us to go camping at this weekend. 汤姆建议我们周末去露营。
- It's fun to go camping in the mountains. 在山上露营很好玩。
- It's nice to go camping with you! 真高兴和你一起去夏令营。
- Those who are going camping please gather at the gate. 要去露营的人请在大门口集合。
- Neither Mary nor they have to go camping. 玛丽和他们都不必去野营。