- Villagers are going to arise to fight the enemy. 村民将要奋起反抗敌人。
- Village defense units would arise to fight the enemy. 村里的自卫队还会起来打击敌人。
- The soldiers were drawn up,ready to fight the enemy. 战士们整好队准备跟敌人战斗。
- We're going to fight the enemy tomorrow, but you'll stay in camp. 明天我们要去打敌人了,你留在营里。
- The soldiers were drawn up, ready to fight the enemy. 战士们整好队准备跟敌人战斗。
- We will fight the enemy to the death. 我们要与敌人决一死战。
- They were determined to fight the enemy to the last drop of their blood. 他们决心和敌人血战到底。
- We must band together to fight the common enemy. 我们必须联合起来, 对抗我们共同的敌人。
- The soldiers had the spirit to fight the enemy to the last drop of their blood. 战士们有同敌人血战到底的气概。
- We had to fight our way through the enemy lines. 我们只好打着通过敌人的防线。
- In those days they had to fight the pests barehanded. 那时候他们得赤手空拳和虫害作斗争。
- We Chinese have the spirit to fight the enemy to the last drop of our blood. 我们中华民族有同自己的敌人血战到底的气概。
- The Red Army has to fight the enemy and to provision itself at one and the same time. 红军一面要打仗,一面又要筹饷。
- Our fighters died game when they sprang out of the trench to fight the enemy with their bayonets after their ammunition had run out. 弹药耗尽后,我方战士们宁死不屈,纷纷跳出战壕,跟敌人剌刀。
- We had to fight the other firm for the order. 为得到这份订单我们要和另一家公司竞争。
- The country was in imminent danger, and large numbers of patriotic young people left for the front to fight the enemy. 那时候正是国难当头,爱国青年都纷纷到抗敌前线去。
- go to the front to fight the enemy 上阵杀敌
- At first he refuses to help them get the exit visas.Learning this Ilsa determines to go alone to see Rick. 开始,力克无法原谅伊尔莎当初违背誓言的行为,拒绝帮助他们得到出境证。
- He intends to fight the case to the Supreme Court. 他打算把官司打到最高法院。
- Thank you, but I think you both can go alone to the movies, two's company, three's a crowd. 谢谢,但是我觉得还是你们两个去看电影比较合适,两人结伴,三人不欢呀。