- glottal plosive 喉塞音
- Produced in or with the larynx;glottal. 喉部发出的由喉头发出或用喉发出的;声门的
- An unaspirated voiceless velar plosive. 舌根不送气清塞音。
- An aspirated voiceless velar plosive. 舌根送气清塞音。
- Produced in or with the larynx; glottal. 喉部发出的由喉头发出或用喉发出的;声门的
- An unaspirated voiceless alveolar plosive. 舌尖不送气清塞音。
- An unaspirated voiceless plosive sound. 双唇送气清塞音。
- The articulation of a plosive sound. 破裂发音一个爆发音的发音
- An aspirated voiceless alveolar plosive . 唇齿清擦音。
- glottalic plosive 喉塞音
- As the Chinese phonetics went into Japanese, the sound of glottal stop emerged. 随着汉字音的应用,受舌内入声字音的影响日语才产生了促音。
- The rhyme inventory only has one nasal coda and one glottal stop coda. 韵母系统里只有一个鼻尾,一个喉塞尾。
- The glottal stop and uvular "r" and "ch" in German "bach" are guttural sounds. 德语词“bach”中的声门塞音、小舌音“r”和 “ch”都是喉音。
- I guess the Amoy dialect does not have words with an initial glottal stop. 古往所谓的音乐才子,大师,神级歌手 ,创作歌手全被他比下去了。
- Pronounced with a temporary stoppage of breath, as the sounds(p)and(b;plosive;stopped. 停顿的发音时气流自短暂闭塞的,如辅音(p)和(b);爆裂的;停顿的
- A comparition between the average spectrum and traditional representation of the glottal wave is made. 对于汉语的四声变化分别给出了相应的声门波平均频谱,并把这些结果与传统的声门波频谱进行比较。
- There are no obvious relationship between weakening of the glottal stop and the length of the tone. 喉塞尾弱化程度与入声时长无明显关系。
- Pronounced with a temporary stoppage of breath,as the sounds(p)and(b;plosive;stopped. 停顿的发音时气流自短暂闭塞的,如辅音(p)和(b);爆裂的;停顿的
- Its phonetic features are pre-long-closed vowels and crack of rim with glottal stop. 它的语音特点是有“先长闭元音”和人声带嘎裂声性。
- Ten types of plosive in Chinese dialects mentioned by Chao(1935) are studied acoustically in this paper. 本文对赵元任(1935)提及的汉语方言中的十类爆发音进行声学语音学研究,对这十类音处于单音节起始位置时的VOT、强度等声学参数进行实验分析。