- BREW continues to expand on a global scale. BREW继续在全球开展。
- On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels. 在全球范围内,77%25 的能量产生自矿物燃料。
- It can even change the fortunes of a brand on a global scale. 它甚至可以改变命运的一个品牌在全球范围内。
- Will superstorms ravage our lands and bring famine on a global scale? 超级风暴会破坏我们的土地,并且会在全球范围内带来饥荒吗?
- And such is the nature of transcendence and ascension upon a global scale. 而这些是超越的本质及全球尺度上的提升。
- These confrontations and uncertainties were bing played out for the first time on a global scale. 所有这一切对抗和不稳定,第一次在全球范围内得到充分的表演。
- A similar trend to scientific cooperation on a global scale was apparent in many other fields, like meteorology, astronomy, nuclear fusion, and space. 在许多其他如气象学、天文学、核聚变以及空间科学领域中也同样存在全球规模的科学合作。
- Increasing technological application and innovation in manufacturing industries result in more specialisation and distribution of processes on a global scale. 制造业日益增加科技和创新意念的应用,使工序更趋专门精细和分散于全球。
- These confrontations and uncertainties were being played out for the first time on a global scale. 所有这一切对抗和不稳定,第一次在全球范围内得到充分的表演。
- The desperate situation of the planet is slowly waking people up to the necessity for transformation on a global scale. 地球所面临的绝境,唤醒更多的人进行全球的改造运动。
- This is an extraordinary opportunity to practice preventive medicine on a global scale. 这是一个非常难得的在全球范围内实施防疫的机会。
- On a global scale, these exchanges produce in the oceans the general circulation pattern. 在地球尺度上,这些交换在海洋中产生一般的环流模式。
- Marine extinctions are uncovered slowlyon a global scale, but local disappearances are much more rapidlyapparent. 人类对海洋生物在全球范围内绝灭的认识过程较漫长,但是对局部性绝灭现象的反应则迅速得多。
- In place of physical formations are cybernetic organizations capable of tapping into combat power on a global scale. 取代实际阵形的是在全球范围内投送战斗力量的组织控制能力。
- These are India's peasantry and their political power is being felt on a global scale. 印度的农民阶级和他们的政治力量现在全球范围延伸。
- The global scale of its deployment reflects Sidel dedication to meeting its customers' demands and needs. 在全球范围内部署了西得乐抯致力于满足其客户的需求和需要。
- In so doing, I settle an ancient karmic debt and bring giving and receiving to balance upon a global scale. 这么做,我处理了一个远古业力债务,并在全球尺度上带来了给予接受的平衡。
- But up to present, in the global scale can appreciate to this piece also is only “Bunde's maternal home person”. 但截至目前,全球范围内能够欣赏到该片的还只是“邦德的娘家人”。
- UCB is a pharmaceutical and specialty chemical company which operates on a global scale. 在全世界140多个国家和地区,我们有近万名员工,分别服务于药品部和特种表面技术部。
- This taxon is very variable and in urgent need of taxonomic revision on a global scale. 这分类群非常易变并且急需世界性的分类的修正。