- All the countries united to fight global recession. 所有的国家团结一致对抗全球性的不景气。
- Stocks dive on belief global recession is at hand. 市场信心跳水,全球经济衰退在眼前.
- We meet in the midst of the worst global recession in a generation. 我们在此会见,正值全球陷入这一代人最严重的衰退。
- Newsflash: The global recession is affecting auto sales. 快讯:全球经济衰退影响到汽车销售。
- A severe global recession will lead to deflationary pressures. 一场严重的全球经济衰退将带来通缩压力。
- We have been assailed by pressures arising out of the unprecedented global recession and the resultant extremely unfavourable trade and aid environment. 空前的全球性经济衰退以及由此而产生的贸易和援助方面极端不利的局面给我们带来了压力。
- Why could China's telecom industry maintain rapid growth in spite of global recession? 那么在全球不景气的情况下,中国电信业为何能逆势上扬,实现持续快速增长?
- The current global recession pales into insignificance when compared with past wars and plagues. 现在的全球经济衰退与过去的战争和瘟疫相比显得无足轻重。
- Yet, a global recession will be unlikely given strong growth from emerging economies. 然而,由于新兴市场的强劲增长,不太可能出现全球经济衰退。
- But that enthusiasm has since waned, amid evidence that the component makers are not immune to the global recession. 但投资者的热情如今已经消退,因为有迹象显示,太阳能组件生产商也未能免受全球衰退的影响。
- A global recession could clobber demand, causing a surplus in supply and a swift fall in oil prices, the argument goes. 这些人说,全球性的衰退可能会削弱需求,导致供过于求,使得油价急转直下。
- Knut and his brother steered the family firm through the 1920s, when Sweden was badly hit by a global recession. 纳特和他的兄弟掌舵家族企业顺利度过二十世纪20年代,当时瑞典也受到全球经济大萧条的强烈冲击。
- Behind the dismal economic numbers is a global recession that is sapping demand for the products Taiwan makes. 这忧郁的经济数字背后显示了台湾制造的产品的全球需求正逐渐被挖墙角。
- Not surprisingly, global recession and the banking crisis have taken their toll. 不出意料,全球经济衰退与金融危机敲响了警钟。
- For the first time in a global recession, emerging markets were free to loosen fiscal policy. 在历次全球经济危机中,这是新兴市场第一次能够自由地放宽财政政策。
- As liquidity normalizes, I believe that a global recession in 2007 is a distinct possibility. 当流动性正常化之后,我认为2007年出现全球性的经济衰退是完全可能的。
- The expectation of global recession due to the drag of American's boom cast uncertainty on China. 此外,受美国景气趋缓拖累的未来全球不景气的预期,亦为不确定的因素。
- In response to the global recession, the excess savers have loosened fiscal policy. 为了应对全球衰退,过度储蓄的国家放松了财政政策。
- But the global recession is exposing their deep-seated problems with astonishing speed and severity. 但全球经济衰退以惊人的速度剧烈的引发了他们的深层问题。
- Over the same period the proportion citing global recession as their main concern rose from 24% to 52%. 同期,认为全球经济衰退是最值得关注的问题的人口比例,从24%25上升到52%25。