- But OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), Nolde economists believe that the global housing prices will be “slow down, rather than rapid deterioration. 但是OECD(经济合作与发展组织)的经济学家诺尔德认为,这次全球房市的价格将会“缓慢下滑,而非急转直下”。
- Barnes is cautious about calling the bottom of the cycle for global house prices, with only anecdotal evidence of "green shoots". 巴恩斯对目前全球房价的周期触底的说法持谨慎态度,现在看到的仅仅是不确定的”起色“。
- global housing prices 全球房价
- Rent tends to lag behind housing prices. 租金价格走势通常落后于楼价。
- House prices are low; it's a good time to buy. 现在房价很低,买房子正是时候。
- THE global housing boom has lost a lot of its vim[1]. 全球住房市场发展势头已大大减弱。
- Homeowners fear a crash in housing prices. 业主担心灾后房屋价格。
- House prices have plummeted in this area. 此地房价大跌。
- Housing prices have been edging up since December. 从十二月起房价就在逐渐上涨。
- The recent housing price is relatively low. 最近的房价相对走低。
- That markets are now stabilising could suggest that prices have fallen far enough to correct the excesses of the global housing bubble. 市场正在企稳,可能意味着价格已经下降到足够修正全球房地产市场泡沫的程度。
- House prices, which have been static for several months, are now rising again. 房价稳定了几个月,现在又上涨了。
- Housing prices continue to fall, old-age pension has shrunk. 房价不断下滑,养老金日益缩水。
- The housing prices in Beijing are artificially high. 北京的房价已经被炒热了。
- The inflated housing prices will have to come down to earth. 飞涨的房屋价格最终会回归现实。
- While the world awaits 2009 hesitantly, continuing worries on global housing markets has markets jittering. 虽然世界对2009的到来表现得犹豫不决,仍然在担心全球住房市场的震荡。
- Housing prices have leveled off after years of steep rises. 房价在多年急剧上涨后终于达到了稳定状态。
- How Does the Property Taxes Influence House Prices? 财产税是如何影响住宅价格的?
- The immediate cause of the crisis, “the mother of all global housing bubbles”, was spotted by many economists. 许多经济学家认为,引发危机的的直接原因是“全球房地产泡沫之母”。
- House prices have gone through the floor this year. 今年房价已经降得很低了。