- The multiple factors that are now destabilizing the global climate system could cause it to jump abruptly out of its current state. 动摇全球气候系统的多重因素也可能使其突然改变现有的状态。
- Current projections of general circulation models imply rates of change of the global climate system that exceed those of almost any natural variation in the geologic past. 当前的一般循环模型显示,全球气候体系的变化速率超出了几乎所有过去地质上的自然变化。
- Abstract: The Pacific decadal and interdecadal oscillation (PDO) has been extensively explored in recent decades because of its profound impact on global climate systems. 摘 要: 近10年来;太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)因其对全球气候系统的深远影响而得到广泛的研究.
- The Pacific decadal and interdecadal oscillation (PDO) has been extensively explored in recent decades because of its profound impact on global climate systems. 近10年来;太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)因其对全球气候系统的深远影响而得到广泛的研究.
- PARCS's major goals are to reconstruct Arctic climate variations over the past 150,000, 20,000, and 2000 years and to understand the interactions of these variations with the global climate system. 古环境北极科学的主要目标是改造过去的15万年、2万年和2000年的北极气候变化,并理解这些变化和全球气候系统的相互作用。
- Please Care Global Climate Change! 请关注全球环境问题!
- global climate system 睡鼠属
- A Damped Decadal Oscillation in the North Atlantic Climate System. 北大西洋气候系统潮湿年代际振荡。
- The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) was established in 1992 by WMO, IOC (UNESCO), UNEP and ICSU. 世界气象组织、联合国教科文组织的政府间海洋委员会(IOC(UNESCO))、联合国发展署以及国际科学联盟理事会于1992年建立了全球气候观测系统。
- The second law of thermodynamics and the global climate system: A review of the maximum entropy production principle 热力学的第二定律和全球气候系统:最大熵成果原理的观察
- A more complete description of GCOS can be found in the Plan for the Global Climate Observing System (see note at end of article). 一个对GCOS更为详尽的介绍可以在全球气候观测系统计划中去找(参见本文结尾处的注释)。
- Climate Systems Nippon Light Metal Company, Ltd. 日本轻金属株式会社株式会社。
- The Diurnal Cycle and Its Depiction in the Community Climate System Model. 公共气候系统的日循环和描述。
- Works closely with US government agencies in researching global climate change. 在全球气候变化研究上与美国政府部门紧密合作。
- Many researchers are devoted to forecasting of global climate change. 许多研究人员致力于全球气候变迁的预测。
- Global climate change, it seems, will further stoke the rangeland wildfires. 看起来,全球气候变化会进一步加剧牧场野火。
- Floods and droughts associated with global climate change could undermine health in other ways as well. 由全球气候变化造成的水灾和旱灾也可能以其它形式破坏人体健康。
- Adaptation to raise the threshold of dangerous interference with the climate system. 适应以提升抵御气候系统危险的阈值。
- It also supports a theory that the icy continent is mostly isolated from the rest of the world's climate system. 它同时提交了一个理论,就是这个冰封的大陆的气候并不属于全球气象系统。