- global access checking 全局访问检查
- Select the Anonymous access check box. 选中“匿名访问”复选框。
- This allows users to access checking account information. 这使用户可以访问支票帐户信息。
- You configure the granularity of access checking for an application by using either the. 属性,配置应用程序访问检查的粒度。
- After the Haitian Company went public, Global Access Ventures became a 13.5% stockholder of the company. 在海天公司上市以后,环球风险投资公司成为了持有海天13.;5%25股份的股东。
- But cyberspace offers convenience; you are provided global access to all sorts of goods. 但是网络购物非常方便,你可以买到世界上任何种商品。
- AHI China's major goal is to become “A global access equipment supplier with China as its principal production base”. 艾赛斯(中国)依托雄厚的经济实力、卓越的产品品质、强大的销售网络、优良的售后服务,致力于发展成为全球领先的高空作业行业制造商及服务商。!
- Marks the current frame in the call stack with a special flag indicating that all preceding frames in the control flow should not be considered for access checking. 方法是用一个特殊旗标标识调用堆栈的当前帧,指明控制流中所有前面的帧都不进行访问检查。
- I am Edward J.Cohan, Jr., Chairman of Global Access Ventures, LLC in the United States of America. 我是美国环球风险投资公司的董事长爱德华.;柯汉先生。
- Specifies the level of access checking for an application, either at the process level only or at all levels, including component, interface, and method levels. 为应用程序指定访问检查级别,检查可以只在进程级别,也可以在包括组件、接口和方法级别的所有级别。
- Through its grant program, the foundation funds initiatives that improve global access to quality and cost-effective healthcare. 通过捐赠项目,基金会为改善高质低本有效的医疗可及性的项目提供资金。
- The file share witness support provides a periodic access check of the file share witness. 文件共享见证支持定期对文件共享见证进行访问检查。
- Makes a number of optimizations while determining this call stack in order to make the access check loop as fast as possible. 在确定这个调用堆栈时进行一些优化,以使访问检查循环尽可能地快。
- We implement our access check in our top-level autohandler,, from which all other components must inherit in order for the access control code to be effective. 我们用一个顶级的处理器来执行权限检查,这样的话就保证了所有其他的组件都在检查的范围内,保证了权限控制代码的有效性。
- The accessibility checking tool is not available in Visual Web Developer Express edition. Visual Web Developer速成版中未提供可访问性检查工具。
- The global accessibility of the planning can be guaranteed when the agent has enough memory. 通过适当加入记忆 ,能保证规划的全局可达性。
- We implement our access check in our top-level autohandler, , from which all other components must inherit in order for the access control code to be effective. 我们用一个顶级的处理器来执行权限检查,这样的话就保证了所有其他的组件都在检查的范围内,保证了权限控制代码的有效性。
- Since August2005, when visits to an Eritrean village prompted him to research global access to artificial light, Mark Bent,49, a former foreign service officer and Houston oilman, has spent$250,000 to develop and manufacture a solar-powered flashlight. 自从2005年8月,49岁的班特走访厄立垂亚村落,促使他开始研究全球使用人造光,这位前外籍军官及休士顿石油商,已投入25万美元开发及制造太阳能手电筒。
- Select the check boxes for the type and level of accessibility checking that you want to perform, and then click Apply. 选择要执行的可访问性检查的类型和级别的复选框,然后单击“应用”。
- Select the check boxes for the type and level of accessibility checking that you want to perform, and then click Validate. 选择要执行的可访问性检查的类型和级别的复选框,然后单击“验证”。